Sensing God’s Presence
In a speech to students at Brigham Young University, Rabbi Harold Kushner opined:
“I am a traditional Jew. I observe the biblical dietary laws. There are certain foods I don’t eat. I suspect most of you assume I go around all day saying to myself, ‘Boy, would I love to eat pork chops, but that mean old God won’t let me.’ Not so. The fact of the matter is, I go around all day saying, ‘Isn’t it incredible? There are five billion people on this planet, and God cares what I have for lunch. And God cares who I sleep with. And God cares how I earn and spend my money. And God cares what kind of language I use.’”
How can we bring a deeper sense of God into our lives? By choosing to imbue our daily actions with mitzvot, both ritual and ethical. Yes, God cares what you have for lunch. And a lot more.
— Rabbi David Woznica