
Wise is a life-giving community. We seek to nurture each other with love and provide strength to one another in times of joy and difficulty. Our clergy remain ever responsive to the various needs of our community and our Wise Hearts network connects members to members to provide the support that is the very backbone of your Wise congregation.

Clergy members are available for our members for pastoral counseling and perspectives throughout all of life’s journeys. You may contact our clergy directly if you would like to speak with one of us privately. Click here for contact information

In addition to clergy, the Wise Hearts member network can provide meals, visits, and assist with other needs. Help is only a click away.  Click here.

The information here will provide you with important links to information about the various times along the Jewish life-cycle where Wise can be of assistance.

Wise Hearts

Wise Hearts Submission FormFor those in need of healing

Wise Hearts is the caring community of Stephen Wise Temple and Schools, supporting the needs of our members in times of crisis or joy. In keeping with Jewish tradition, we seek to provide support and hope during times of sickness and sorrow, and celebration in times of great joy for our congregants.

Together, dedicated volunteers coordinate support in response to the needs of the family. This network is able to arrange play dates, carpool, meals, and home visits based on the family’s needs.

The Wise Hearts Caring Community wants to assure their availability to our members during times of need and joy.

If you know of someone in need of healing, please fill out our form to ensure your news is submitted to the appropriate Wise Hearts volunteer.

Births, Baby Namings, Brit MIlah.
For information about Births, Brit MIlah, and Baby Namings click here.

Bar and Bat Mitzvah
An entire portion of our website is devoted to information about Bar and Bat Mitzvah. Click here.

Births, Baby Namings, Brit Milah

Wise clergy are available to work with you as you prepare for and welcome your new addition. We can assist with the selection of names, facilitate naming ceremonies, and assist you in selecting a mohel for the brit milah (circumcision ceremony).  Click here for the clergy page to make your connection.

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Bar and Bat Mitzvah

An entire portion of our website is devoted to information about Bar and Bat Mitzvah.  Click here.

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The clergy at Wise is available for your wedding. In addition to same faith weddings, clergy will officiate at interfaith marriages and LGBTQ ceremonies as well.  Click here for more information.

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Clergy are available to support members facing serious illness and challenging health choices. In times of serious health crises your clergy are here for you. By integrating our warm personal support along with the perspectives of our Reform Jewish tradition we can bring you and your family strength and guidance. Clergy make hospital and home visits, we offer prayers and a loving hand.

We can also assist families as they make difficult decisions when facing the end of life.

Members may email clergy by clicking here to reach the clergy page or you can call the temple to set up an appointment or arrange for a visit.

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Loss and Mourning

There are stars up above so far away
we continue to see their light long, long after the star itself is gone.
And so it is with people we loved,
Their memories keep shining ever brightly
Though their time with us is done.
But the stars that light up the darkest night,
These are the lights that guide us.
And as we live our days, these are the ways we remember them.

Yesh kokhavim she’oram magi’a artzah rak ka’asher heym atzmam avdu v’eynam.

Yesh anashim  she-ziv zikhram me’ir ka’asher heym atzmam eynam yoter bitokheynu.

Orot eyleh – ha-mavhikim bi-kheshkat ha-laila – heym shemarim la’adam et orot ha-derekh.

  יֵשׁ כּוֹכָבִים שֶׁאוֹרָם מַגִּיעַ אַרְצָה רַק כְּאַשֵּׁר הֵם עַצְמָם אָבְדוּ וְאֵינָם

  יֵשׁ אֲנָשִׁים שֶׁזִּיו זִכְרָם מֵאִיר כְּאַשֵּׁר הֵם עַצְמָם אֵינָם יוֹתֵר בְּתוֹכֵנוּ

אוֹרוֹת אֵלֶּה הַמַּבְהִיקִים בַּחֲשֵׁכַת הַלַּיְלָה –הֵם שֶׁמַּרְאִים לָאָדָם אֶת אוֹרוֹת הַדֶּרֶךְ

Hannah Senesh

Memorial Plaques and Yahrzeit Walls

It is a widely observed Jewish tradition to commemorate the passing of a relative or loved one on the walls within a temple. All temples and many organizations devote an area within or near the sanctuary to memorializing those that have departed on a dedicated memorial wall.

Nameplates or plaques are inscribed with the English names of the departed along with the date of death in the standard calendar format. Our two plaque options (slate or glass) are pictured below. The slate plaques are located in our main Sanctuary, while our glass plaques are located in the rooms on each side of the ark in the Sanctuary.

Jewish Family Support with Various Life Challenges

Wise is a partner congregation with the Ezra Network of Jewish Family Services and supported by the Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles. Individuals can inquire about financial assistance and government program eligibility, access to one-on-one sessions with a social worker, legal counselor or job counselor, as well as referrals for other services, and information about upcoming workshops. A social worker is assigned to Wise to provide essential support and information. You may reach the social worker by dialing: (323) 600-5722

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