This week, Rabbi David Woznica reflects on the meaning and importance of a specific mitzvah: the mezuzah.
The Mezuzah: How Many Mezuzot?
The mitzvah of the mezuzah is to affix one to every entrance to your home and entrances of every interior room (with the exception of a closet or bathroom). Mezuzot should be attached within 30 days of moving into a rented home or immediately if you are the owner.
The mezuzah should be placed on the right side of the door (as you face the direction of entering the home or the room), on the upper third of the doorpost, at an angle with the top of the mezuzah slanted inward. It can be affixed by any member of the family (indeed anyone who lives there) and a blessing is recited just before attaching it. Often friends in your community join with you for a Chanukat HaBayit (dedication of the house).
Most importantly, if viewing the mezuzah when we enter and leave our homes reminds us of our commitment to God and elevates our observance of the mitzvot and ideals of Judaism, this rather small object will have immense impact.
I wish you all a Shabbat Shalom.
— Rabbi David Woznica | [email protected]