Zochreinu l’chayim, Melech cafeitz bachayim…Remember us for life, Sovereign who delights in life, And inscribe us in the Book of Life for Your sake O loving God.
Appearing first on Erev Rosh Hashanah, this is one of the initial and unique additions to the Rosh Hashanah liturgy. It sets the tone for the High Holy Days. The words are a short and direct petition that is inserted into every Amidah at every High Holy Days service. When we ask God to “Remember us” we are asking God to remember the merit of our ancestors and in doing so grant the blessing of life to us, our ancestors’ children.
With these words—Zochreinu l’chayim, “remember us for life”—the scene is set for the High Holy Days. The focus is that God will grant us another year of life. With humility that our future is uncertain we enter these holy days with optimism and hope.
— Rabbi David Woznica