With the October attack on Israel and subsequent public antisemitism, especially at universities, it is important to ask: What are the reasons for the hatred of Jews and Israel? This week, Rabbi David Woznica shares thoughts.
The Chosen People
The belief that Jews were chosen to be in a covenant with God gave Jews a unique purpose, to be a “A light unto the nations.” Jews fulfill that task by living by the mitzvot and ideals of the Torah and, as such, being an exemplar to humanity. It does not confer any superiority on Jews. Rather, it explains Jews have a mission – indeed, a responsibility. In fact, Jewish theology allows for any people to have such a relationship with God.
Antisemites have often misunderstood the idea of the Chosen People to be one that smacks of supremacy, resulting in hatred of Jews.
Among the tasks of the Jew is to affirm the God of humanity. When a Jew recites Shema Yisrael, Adonai Eloheinu, Adonai Ehad; “Hear O Israel, Adonai our God, Adonai is One,” he or she is affirming there is only one God for all humanity. In doing so, for thousands of years, Jews have delegitimized the gods worshiped by others, which has historically fostered hostility toward Jews.
Watch Rabbi Woznica’s latest sermon, Israel, Hamas, Palestinians and Their Supporters: Seven Vital Realizations