by Rabbi Ron Stern


Once a month, on the third Thursday of the month, the average age at Wise Temple changes.  Usually our halls bustle with pre-school and elementary school aged children.  We’ve grown accustomed to the clump, clump of their feet.  However, on the Thursdays where Wise Years takes over our sanctuary building, the older adults rule and it’s a refreshing, exciting change! On these days, for the past five years, dozens of older adults come to the Temple for a range of lectures, movie screenings, socializing, and a catered lunch.

While the Temple staff supports the program and provides logistical support, Wise Years is the result of a great deal of hard work by its dedicated leadership team.  Under the guidance of Carol Gray and Janice Tarr, speakers are invited and films are chosen. When the group meets, a team of dedicated volunteers welcomes guests and newcomers.

Wise Years came into existence when Janice and Carol came to Rabbi Herscher and me asserting that there was absolutely a craving for the kind of daytime programing that would bring seniors together while providing inspiring lectures and presentations.  We formed a committee, set the calendar, and scoured Los Angeles for stimulating presenters.  And sure enough, we built it and they came! After five years, they continue to come and enrich their sense of belonging at Stephen Wise Temple.

We are so proud of the committee that made Wise Years an established part of the many ways that people can enjoy the Wise community; we continue to look forward to Thursdays when we hear the voices of our school children and also the conversations of our Wise Years adults discussing new ideas over lunch.

I especially want to draw your attention to the wonderful program Wise Years has planned for Thursday, May 11, as the conclusion of their fifth year of programming. Our Cantors will be the featured presenters – Cantor Emma Lutz will discuss the musical history of the Jews of France. Cantor Nathan Lam will lead us through the history and culture of Polish Jewry.  The afternoon’s film “Raise the Roof” is an inspiring film festival favorite that features the elaborate restoration project of Poland’s Gwoździec Synagogue.


To learn more about Wise Years and to order a buffet lunch in advance, click here