by Rabbi David Woznica

In the words of Rabbi Tarfon, “If you’ve studied much Torah, your reward will be abundant.” (Pirke Avot, Ethics of the Fathers, Ch. 2:21) Rabbi Tarfon’s words are quoted on the inside cover of our newly printed brochure publicizing this year’s Center for Jewish Life programs. Your copy should arrive at your home in the coming weeks.

One of life’s great joys is learning, the thrill of new insights and understandings.  And one of the benefits of being a part of our congregation is the many opportunities provided to learn.  Whether one attends a lecture, panel discussion or an ongoing course taught by an extraordinary thinker and presenter — the wisdom of our Jewish tradition awaits.

Rabbi Tarfon, who lived some two thousand years ago, understood the importance of learning—specifically Jewish learning.  What was true in his day remains true in ours. So, join us. What a fabulous way to begin the New Year and, to echo Rabbi Tarfon, your reward will be abundant.

Visit to learn all about our exciting Center for Jewish Life events, including lectures, dialogues, classes, new initiatives, and partnerships. Registration is now open!