by Rabbi Yoshi Zweiback

“Out of the depths, I call to You…”
… מִמַּעֲמַקִּים קְרָאתִיךָ

These words from Psalm 130 feel terribly appropriate right now. Earthquakes, hurricanes, a mass-shooting, fires burning out of control, a nation deeply divided – we cry out from the depths, searching for hope, praying for healing.

As always, our tradition is there to guide us. Yesterday was a new beginning: we read from Parashat B’reisheet, the first portion of our Torah which describes creation as “very good.” We’ve welcomed the New Year and through our teshuva, our tzedakah, and our heartfelt prayers, we have committed ourselves to being better and to doing better in 5778.

Here’s another way towards hope: we are hosting an interfaith prayer vigil on Monday, October 16 at 7:00 p.m. Clergy from around our city will share prayers of healing and inspiration. Choirs will lift their voices and our hearts in song. We will remind each other of the highest values that can hold us together as a community and as a nation in this challenging time: compassion (חסד), justice (צדק), and mutual respect (כבוד).

We need each other now more than ever. Out of the depths, we call out to God, we reach out to one another.

Join us – we need your voices and your presence so that we can support one another and bring healing and hope to our community and our world.