by Rabbi Josh Knobel
This week, Jews throughout the world will read from parashat Terumah, in which God advises the Israelites to, “Make for Me a sanctuary that I may dwell within them.” The text then provides detailed instructions on how to build a Tabernacle for the worship of God.
Our sages, however, note that the Torah teaches not that God will dwell within the Tabernacle, but, rather, within them, meaning within the people. The sanctuary, then, exists not within the physical confines of a Tabernacle, but within the hearts of those who dedicate themselves to building and sustaining that edifice. Through the act of pledging themselves toward the spiritual quest of their fellow Hebrews, the Israelites make room in their hearts for God to dwell.
We can still learn from their example. By dedicating ourselves toward the welfare of our fellow Jews and toward aiding them in their search for meaning, we invite God into our lives, making meaning and changing the world. From our members and donors, who pledge themselves financially to this cause–to volunteers who help shape the experiences that members and visitors enjoy when they visit our campus–to staff, who dedicate their life’s work to the spiritual endeavor–to students in our educational offerings, who contribute to the learning of others–to participants on our board, our task forces, and our committees, who seek to improve Jewish life for our community–to participants and leaders of our tikkun olam initiatives, who strive to fulfill our mission of making the world a better place–there are myriad ways at Wise to engage in the fulfilling process described within our Torah. We invite you to join us in building a sanctuary at Wise, so that God may dwell within us all.