The proverb, “Every cloud has a silver lining,” is taken from a poem written by John Milton in 1634. In it, the great English poet and author of Paradise Lost, writes: “Was I deceived, or did a sable [black] cloud/Turn forth her silver lining on the night?”

Milton knew about dark clouds. During his lifetime, he witnessed the horrors of civil war and suffered great personal losses, including the early death of his wife.

We, too, know about dark clouds. We, too, collectively and personally, understand how challenging life can be.

And we, too, know about silver linings. Here’s one I experienced just yesterday: stuck at home, Jacqueline and I played board games with our daughters late into the evening. We found comfort, joy, and even laughter in this dark moment for our nation and our world.

Every cloud has a silver lining. Can you find it? Can you see it? Can you celebrate it?

— Rabbi Yoshi Zweiback

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