Join Rabbi Yoshi Zweiback as he talks with an eclectic variety of thinkers, artists, and change-makers about their experiences (Jewish or otherwise) and their own search for meaning and purpose in their lives.
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A message from Rabbi Yoshi Zweiback
Next week I’m traveling to Omaha to visit family. I phoned my sister yesterday to make plans for our time together. She asked how I was doing and I told her that it had been a very trying few days given the frightening event that had happened a few nights ago right here in L.A. She didn’t know what I was talking about. She didn’t know because outside of Los Angeles, the event wasn’t widely reported. It sure should have been. It’s the kind of event that every American, every decent and good hearted person should hear about and decry. The realization that while much of the world seems to have a great capacity for empathy for all sorts of suffering, its concern for the suffering of our people seems rather limited. Millions of our people have been terrorized over the past few weeks in Israel (and many hundreds were [...]
Search for Meaning with Mark Feuerstein and Rabbi Yoshi
Listen in on a friendly, lively conversation between old pals as Rabbi Yoshi sits down with college friend Mark Feuerstein, an actor and writer known for Royal Pains, Power, Prison Break, and many more. Together they reflect on what inspired them down their respective paths during their formative years; the nature of creativity in a Jewish space; and their own Jewish journeys throughout the years. It's a conversation full of great stories, laughs, and more than a few surprising insights. LISTEN AND SUBSCRIBE
Creating a more perfect union: a message for this Inauguration Day from Rabbi Yoshi Zweiback
And yet the dawn is ours before we knew it. Somehow, we do it. Somehow, we’ve weathered and witnessed A nation that isn’t broken, but simply unfinished. — Amanda Gorman, Inaugural Poet, from “The Hill We Climb,” recited on January 20, 2021 at the Inauguration of President Joseph R. Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris This week marks a new beginning for our unfinished nation. We Jews know about new beginnings and fresh starts. Our liturgy reminds us that each day is a new beginning for through God’s goodness, the world is renewed and the work of creation continues. We are God’s partners in this sacred, ongoing task. The world is not yet complete—we are, together with the Holy One, completing it. There is much that needs finishing, but nothing is so broken that it is beyond repair. So let us roll up our sleeves and work diligently to make [...]
A message in response to yesterday’s events and a prayer for our nation (1/7/2021)
Just a few weeks ago we celebrated Hanukkah, our festival of lights, which commemorates the rededication of the Temple after it had been desecrated by our foes. As I watched images yesterday afternoon of that mob storming the United States Capitol, I thought of the Temple. I have always felt a sense of awe when visiting the Capitol, the White House, the Supreme Court, or the Lincoln Memorial. These are sacred spaces, not just for us as Americans, but for peoples all over the world who see our nation as a beacon of light and hope. Yesterday’s events were a desecration, a sacrilege. Photos and video of the attack included images of participants inside our nation’s Capitol waving confederate flags, a man wearing a sweatshirt with “Camp Auschwitz” printed above an image of a skull and crossbones with the phrase “work brings freedom” printed below, and Capitol police standing behind [...]