Search for Meaning2025-02-26T06:48:48-08:00

Join Rabbi Yoshi Zweiback as he talks with an eclectic variety of thinkers, artists, and change-makers about their experiences (Jewish or otherwise) and their own search for meaning and purpose in their lives.

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Search for Meaning With Vanessa Marshall

If you have been any kind of nerd or geek or pop culture enthusiast in the last 20 years, chances are you know the voice of Rabbi Yoshi's guest this week on the Search for Meaning podcast: voiceover actress Vanessa Marshall. Though she has lent her voice to 226 shows, games, and movies, Vanessa is perhaps most famous for originating the role of General Hera Syndulla, the Twi'lek pilot and one of the main protagonists in the Emmy-nominated Star Wars animated series Star Wars: Rebels. She has gone on to voice the character—portrayed in the new live-action Disney+ series Ahsoka by Mary Elizabeth Winstead—in her subsequent appearances in the series Star Wars: The Bad Batch, and continues to voice her in games and online web series. During her career, she has voiced heroes—Metroid Prime's Samus Aran, Marvel's Black Widow and Gamora, and DC's Wonder Woman and [...]

By |September 6th, 2023|Categories: News, Rabbi Yoshi Zweiback, Search for Meaning Blog|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Search for Meaning With Vanessa Marshall

Search for Meaning With Brian Hersch

In this 66th edition of his Search for Meaning podcast, Stephen Wise Temple Senior Rabbi Yoshi Zweiback hosts board game designer Brian Hersch. Taboo. Outburst. Super Scattergories. Have you played any of these modern classics at family game night? You have Brian Hersch to thank. Now a General Partner at Hersch and Company, with over $850 million in sales under his belt, Brian didn't set out to design games. His first career was in real estate development, where he honed a keen sense for business. Then came Trivial Pursuit. When the trivia board game first burst onto the scene in the 1980s, Brian was a natural, so much so that his friends urged him to use his creative energies to invent a game of his own. Bringing his business experience to bear on the idea, he set himself to doing some market research, and found [...]

By |August 17th, 2023|Categories: News, Rabbi Yoshi Zweiback, Search for Meaning Blog|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Search for Meaning With Brian Hersch

Search for Meaning With Orly Erez-Likhovski

In this edition of his Search for Meaning podcast, Stephen Wise Temple Senior Rabbi Yoshi Zweiback hosts Orly Erez-Likhovski, Executive Director of the Israel Religious Action Center. Erez-Likhovski is an expert in the Israeli judicial system and the reasonableness doctrine, which have been the target of a massive reform push by the far-right current ruling government. Erez-Likhovski helps listeners understand the controversy surrounding judicial reform, which has fueled massive protests and a historic level of civil unrest in the Jewish state over the last seven months. Having graduated from the Faculty of Law at Tel Aviv University, clerked at the Israeli Supreme Court, and earned her master's in law from Columbia, Erez-Likhovski is a member of both the Israeli and the New York bar, and has argued multiple cases in front of the Israeli Supreme Court. She is, then, perhaps better equipped than most legal [...]

By |August 9th, 2023|Categories: Israel, Israel podcast, News, Rabbi Yoshi Zweiback, Search for Meaning Blog|Tags: , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Search for Meaning With Orly Erez-Likhovski

Search for Meaning With Suzanne Horwich

In this edition of his Search for Meaning podcast, Stephen Wise Temple Senior Rabbi Yoshi Zweiback hosts artist and educator Suzanne Horwich. Horwich, who hails from Rabbi Yoshi's hometown of Omaha, is the founder of Artists Giving Back, a program she started to bolster the spirits of Ukrainian refugees who have fled their warn-torn country for Poland. Horwich has long been drawn to the Syrian refugee crisis, but felt helpless as the world turned a blind eye to the horrors wrought by the Assad regime. When Russia invaded Ukraine in early 2022, she resolved to take action. She eventually connected with Jonathan Ornstein, a friend of Wise and the head of the Krakow Jewish Community Center, which has pivoted from rebuilding the shattered Polish Jewish community to providing food, aid, medical supplies, and housing to those fleeing Russian President Vladimir Putin's forces. The former Director [...]

By |August 2nd, 2023|Categories: News, Rabbi Yoshi Zweiback, Search for Meaning Blog, Tikkun Olam|Tags: , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Search for Meaning With Suzanne Horwich
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