Search for Meaning2025-02-26T06:48:48-08:00

Join Rabbi Yoshi Zweiback as he talks with an eclectic variety of thinkers, artists, and change-makers about their experiences (Jewish or otherwise) and their own search for meaning and purpose in their lives.

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Search for Meaning: “Letting Go – To Grow,” Rabbi Yoshi Zweiback’s Yom Kippur 2022 Sermon

In the latest edition of his Search for Meaning podcast, Stephen Wise Temple Senior Rabbi Yoshi Zweiback delivers his 2022 (5783) Yom Kippur sermon, entitled, “Letting Go - To Grow.” You can view the full video and other High Holy Day highlights here. The full transcript follows: Last month, Jacqueline and I dropped our youngest daughter off at college. This was our third time so we knew the drill: the first order of business after helping shlep their luggage to their dorm rooms is the journey to Bed, Bath, and Beyond. This wasn’t a thing when I went to school more than thirty years ago. My parents took me to Eppley Airfield in Omaha, helped me check in my duffel bags, hugged me tight, wished me luck, and sent me on my way. A few hours later I arrived at my destination and found my way [...]

By |October 6th, 2022|Categories: Holidays, News, Rabbi Yoshi Zweiback, Search for Meaning Blog|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Search for Meaning: “Letting Go – To Grow,” Rabbi Yoshi Zweiback’s Yom Kippur 2022 Sermon

Search for Meaning: “Circles of Concern,” Rabbi Yoshi Zweiback’s Rosh Hashanah 2022 Sermon

In the latest edition of his Search for Meaning podcast, Stephen Wise Temple Senior Rabbi Yoshi Zweiback delivers his 2022 (5783) Rosh Hashanah sermon, entitled, "Circles of Concern." You can view the full video here. The full transcript of Rabbi Yoshi's Rosh Hashanah sermon is below: At the end of the movie, "Schindler’s List," Yitzhak Shtern, played by Ben Kingsley, presents Oskar Schindler with a ring. On it, he explains, are engraved words from the Talmud that say: "Whoever saves one life saves the world entire." Schindler, played by Liam Neeson, is clearly moved. As he reaches out to shake Shtern's hand, he says, "I could have got more out … if I had just …" "No, no, no," Shtern says: "... There are 1,100 people who are alive because of you—look at them … There will be generations because of what you did." "I didn't [...]

By |October 3rd, 2022|Categories: Holidays, News, Rabbi Yoshi Zweiback, Search for Meaning Blog|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Search for Meaning: “Circles of Concern,” Rabbi Yoshi Zweiback’s Rosh Hashanah 2022 Sermon

Search for Meaning with Rabbi Yoshi Zweiback and Alan Niku

In the latest edition of his Search for Meaning podcast, Stephen Wise Temple Senior Rabbi Yoshi Zweiback hosts writer, filmmaker, linguist, and self-described "nerdy Indiana Jones" Alan Niku, who may or may not moonlight as a vigilante superhero. The Berkeley-educated Niku has a unique background, coming from an Iranian Jewish family. That background spurred his lifelong love of language and a deep and abiding sense of curiosity. That curiosity led Niku—who grew up speaking Farsi—to delve into the language his Kurdish grandfather spoke. The more he learned, the more he realized that his grandfather wasn't speaking Kurdish, but a dialect of Aramaic—the language of the Talmud and parts of the Hebrew Bible. Niku has used language as a window to history, as he has used linguistics to explore the development and nuance in the politics, culture, and faith, not to mention sociology, psychology, and human [...]

By |September 21st, 2022|Categories: News, Rabbi Yoshi Zweiback, Search for Meaning Blog|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Search for Meaning with Rabbi Yoshi Zweiback and Alan Niku

Search for Meaning with Rabbi Sari Laufer and Rabbi Yoshi Zweiback

In the latest edition of his Search for Meaning podcast, Stephen Wise Temple Senior Rabbi Yoshi Zweiback hosts Wise's Chief Engagement Officer, Rabbi Sari Laufer. The wide-ranging talk between two colleagues covers Israel, summer camps, sign language, their respective Torah portions, authenticity, and the recent Supreme Court decision to restrict reproductive freedoms in Dobbs v. Jackson. The topic of Rabbi Sari's early Jewish learning brings up the subject of gender equity and representation. A tangent about how New Yorkers use hands to talk—Rabbi Sari just finished reading "True Biz," a novel about the deaf community, which is all about non-verbal communication—leads to a fascinating discussion about liturgical sign language interpreters. All of these are weaved into the story of how Rabbi Sari came to find her calling, and how she came to Wise. The only child of a Conservadox mom and a classical Reform dad [...]

By |August 31st, 2022|Categories: News, Rabbi Sari Laufer, Rabbi Yoshi Zweiback, Search for Meaning Blog|Comments Off on Search for Meaning with Rabbi Sari Laufer and Rabbi Yoshi Zweiback
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