Wise Guys invites those who share common interests to get together to pursue meaning in moments of fun, camaraderie, learning, spirituality, and tikkun olam together. Wise Guys is your place for interesting, thoughtful, and exciting Jewish life. With a variety of events to engage men (and their families) of all backgrounds and interests, Wise Guys builds enriching relationships that enliven the spirit!
Ongoing Activities

Member Basketball League
Did you know that Wise Guys has a member basketball league! Every Thursday, from 7-9 p.m. in Katz Family Pavilion, join your fellow Wise Guys for a game of hoops. Contact Jacob Hall at [email protected] if interested.
Past Events
Wise Guys Sukkah Build 2023
Thursday, Sept. 28
The Wise Guys’ Sukkah Build is one of our annual staples. It’s not only our chance to finally build un-permitted housing in Los Angeles, but a great way to bond with your fellow Wise Guys, build meaningful friendships, and lend a hand (or two!) to help erect our congregational sukkah!
Purim Game Night
Monday, March 6
Our Purim Eve Games Night included spirited games of Rummikub, Bananagrams, Boggle, backgammon, Scrabble, Cards Against Humanity (or others), poker, and Mahjong! We drank, we ate, and we heard selections from the Story of Esther at this adult Purim celebration.
Wise Guys Big Game Watch Party
Sunday, Feb. 12
We hosted over 70 attendees at our annual Big Game Watch Party, including children of all ages, with fun and engaging activities, snacks, beverages, and one of the most exciting Super Bowls in recent memory! From the game to the commercials, we enjoyed an evening of fun, football, and family. Our Katz Family Pavilion was lit up by our 30-foot wide high-definition projection, and we can’t wait to do it all again next year!
Wise Guys Latkes and Vodkas
Tuesday, Dec. 13, 2022
Graciously hosted by Wise Guy Ario Fakheri, Latkes & Vodkas helped our Wise Guys prepare for the Hanukkah season with meaningful camaraderie, discussion, and community.
Wise Guys Ski Trip
March 6-8, 2022
The Wise Guys returned to Mammoth Mountain this year for a revival of the annual ski trip. After COVID-19 paused the getaway, more than a dozen Wise Guys hit the slopes with Rabbi Yoshi and Rabbi Ron!
Click on any picture to view it larger.
Wise Guys Big Game Watch Party
February 13, 2022
The Wise Guys hosted more than three dozen members of the Wise community in Katz Family Pavilion to watch the Los Angeles Rams defeat the Cincinnati Bengals 23-20 in Super Bowl LVI.
With L.A. playing host to the NFL’s annual spectacular and tickets going for over $5,000 at kickoff, Wise families enjoyed the action—and the commercials—on a 25×18-foot projection display. In all, 44 community members joined the Wise Guys for a day of fun, watching the home team take home football’s biggest prize while safely socially distanced.
Wise Guys Sukkah Build
Thursday, October 10
More than twenty Wise Guys converged upon the Wise campus to complete our Tikkun Olam sukkah in advance of Sukkot. Fun was had by all as the Wise Guys prepared the Temple and School to celebrate this meaningful holiday.
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