Daily Kavanah – Wedensday, March 20, 2024
Who’s a Hero? The Purim story was likely written by Jews heavily influenced by Greek storytelling. The heroes, the villains, even the court [...]
Who’s a Hero? The Purim story was likely written by Jews heavily influenced by Greek storytelling. The heroes, the villains, even the court [...]
To Masquerade or Not to Masquerade It is hard to imagine two days more different than Purim and Yom Kippur, and yet the [...]
Purim’s Satire and Farce Exaggerations, twists and turns of fate, outright comedy, ridicule, and unlikely outcomes are the standard fare in our cherished [...]
This week we’ve been focusing our daily kavannot on the life and legacy of our namesake, Rabbi Stephen Samuel Wise, whose birthday [...]
This Sunday, March 17, marks the 150th anniversary of the birth of Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, the namesake of our congregation and a [...]
This Sunday, March 17, marks the 150th anniversary of the birth of Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, the namesake of our congregation and a pillar [...]
This Sunday, March 17, marks the 150th anniversary of the birth of Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, the namesake of our congregation and a pillar [...]
This Sunday, March 17, marks the 150th anniversary of the birth of Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, the namesake of our congregation and a pillar [...]
This past week I joined more than 100 other North American rabbis across all denominations for a three day conversation about Zionism. [...]
“Rest will simply make us more human.” –Tricia Hersey, American poet and performerEvery week, I meet with twelve and thirteen year old students [...]