Daily Kavanah – Tuesday, November 2, 2021
The book of Genesis includes many stories about family life. This week Rabbi Woznica offers teachings about parents and children. Shaping your Child’s [...]
The book of Genesis includes many stories about family life. This week Rabbi Woznica offers teachings about parents and children. Shaping your Child’s [...]
The book of Genesis includes many stories about family life. This week Rabbi Woznica offers teachings about parents and children. “But Mom and [...]
Exploring Genesis: This week’s Torah Reading Cain said to his brother Abel… and when they were in the field, Cain set upon his [...]
Exploring Genesis: This week’s Torah reading And God blessed the seventh day and declared it holy, because on it God ceased from all [...]
Exploring Genesis: This week’s Torah reading And God said, ‘Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. They shall rule the fish [...]
Exploring Genesis: This week’s Torah reading This week the Torah scroll is rolled back to the beginning, the opening chapter of the book [...]
As we move through these Days of Awe, we hope that these readings and excerpts from Sha’ar HaShamayim, our Stephen Wise Temple machzor, will deepen [...]
What to Wear on Yom Kippur It is customary to wear white clothing on Yom Kippur. In some communities Jews wore a kittel, which [...]
A Stunning Revelation about Yom Kippur The most sacred day of the year for a Jew is Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. [...]
While the idea of a heavenly ledger goes back to the Bible, the “Book of Life” as we know it is found in [...]