This past Wednesday and Thursday, we celebrated Purim and remembered a time when our community was threatened by a genocidal demagogue. In that terrifying moment, we were very much on our own. There were no other nations standing by our side. There was no NATO, no European Union, and no U.N. to turn to for help.

Thankfully, Esther was able to convince the king to allow our ancestors to defend themselves, and thus we narrowly avoided what would have been a catastrophe.

To read this story now, as we witness the horrifying images and stories emanating from Ukraine, is simply chilling. We are witnessing—in real time—war crimes being committed by the Russian leadership and military that are leading to the displacement of millions of innocents, not to mention the destruction of property and— most tragically of all—the loss of life.

The Ukrainian people, under the inspiring leadership of President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, are fighting heroically to defend themselves. Thankfully, many around the world are rushing to their aid. In this historical moment, we have the chance to stand with a global community before a genocidal tyrant and say, with one voice, “No. We will not let this happen. We will not let you do this.”

To blot out the memory of Amalek, Haman’s progenitor, we must do more than wave our groggers. We must be willing to stand up, to raise our voices, and to open up our hearts and our wallets as well.

To learn about ways you can help, join me and my colleagues Rabbis Matthew Gewirtz and Sydney Mintz this Monday and next for Zoom updates from Poland and Moldova.

Click here to donate to the Wise community’s effort to raise money for medical supplies and refugee aid through United Hatzalah of Israel.

It’s time to cry out—and stand up—in the face of another Haman.

Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Yoshi Zweiback