A Prayer for Our College Students, Faculty, and Staff

God, Shomer Yisrael (Protector of Israel), in this time of chaos when so many members of our Jewish community are feeling afraid, isolated, vulnerable, and targeted, we humbly ask for Your mercy, guidance, and help. Keep our students, faculty, and staff safe in body and spirit on college campuses near and far. Protect us from vitriol, bigotry, ignorance, hate, and violence.

God, Source of Wisdom and Understanding, make our institutions of higher learning places where we can engage without fear in Machlokot  L’shem Shamayim (disagreements for the sake of heaven). When we argue with others, with members of Am Yisrael, or even with You, help us always to choose our words with care and kindness.

Grace us with empathy and humility so that we might stand up proudly for what we believe in without vilifying or dehumanizing those with whom we disagree, recognizing always that You created our fellow students and colleagues B’Tzelem Elohim (in Your image and likeness) as well.

May we have the patience necessary to embody the value of Dan L’Khaf Zechut, judging one another favorably, in every interaction and encounter, even the difficult ones.

May we have the power to control our passions so that our anger, hurt, and disappointment will never erupt into hate-speech or violence.

No matter how challenging, implant within us the strength and resilience to always speak out for what is right and to advocate for what is just.

And God, please shine Your countenance upon us so that we may know Your most precious blessing: the gift of wholeness and peace, the gift of Shalom.

Shabbat Shalom,

Rabbi Yoshi Zweiback