When there was a cholera epidemic in 1848, Rabbi Israel Salanter posted announcements on all the houses of prayer of Vilna on the eve of Yom Kippur, urging people not to fast on that holy and awesome day, to cut short the recitation of the liturgical poems of the day, and to go walking in the fresh air. After the morning prayer on Yom Kippur, he took a piece of bread in his hand and ate it before the eyes of the entire congregation so that people might see him and follow his example, for much is permitted when there is mortal danger, and the life of a single person was dearer in his eyes than all the wealth in the world. (Ir Vilna)

During this time of pandemic, let us remember always that the highest value is pikuach nefesh, preserving life above all else. As we observe these holidays, let us bring more holiness to the world by doing what is required to keep ourselves and others safe: wear a mask when you are around others outside of your immediate family, observe physical distancing, and avoid indoor gatherings especially. Let’s take care of each other so that we can gather in the future to observe these Holy Days together.

— Rabbi Yoshi Zweiback

Rabbi Yoshi shared a special message on the CA Department of Health’s YouTube channel last week. Click here to watch it.