The Hebrew month of Elul has just begun, traditionally devoted to preparing ourselves for the High Holy Days. With that in mind, this week, Rabbi Woznica offers suggestions about forgiveness.

To Whom Do I Owe Forgiveness? Make A List

The first step toward forgiveness is identifying those whom we have sinned against. Devote time this month to reflecting on this year and your interactions. Pinpoint the times you have acted wrongly. Make a list of the people you have sinned against and the specific transgression(s).

Remember, just because someone felt hurt does not necessarily mean you sinned against them. There are times when their feelings are justified, but not always. For example, suppose you reprimanded your child or were very honest in assessing the action of a friend. In those cases, they may feel hurt, but it does not mean you did anything wrong. There are times when the correct action induces hurt.

And yet, there are those we have not treated well from whom we should seek forgiveness. Once we have made a list of who they are, we can take the next step. In tomorrow’s Daily Kavanah, I will share some Jewish teachings on how to approach them.

Rabbi David Woznica
[email protected]