This week’s Torah portion is Yitro (Exodus 18:1-20:23) which contains the Ten Commandments. Each day, a member of the Wise clergy will share their insights on one of the commandments.
The First of the Ten Commandments
I am Adonai your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, the house of bondage. (Exodus 20:2)
Do these words command us to believe in God? It’s a worthy debate among Judaism’s greatest commentators. Perhaps equally as important is this commandment’s response to the question of “Who is God?” This first commandment teaches us that God is the One who brought us out of Egypt.
Yet this is only the beginning. God makes it clear what is required of us: to follow the rest of the commandments. Freedom was the first, but necessary, step. Without it, we would not have the freedom to observe the commandments that follow.
This commandment concludes with the reminder that we lived in a “house of bondage.” Why? So we do not ever forget or minimize the horror of slavery.
May gratitude for our freedom inspire us to live by the commandments and also be an inspiration for us to work to ensure freedom for all people.
— Rabbi David Woznica