With the October attack on Israel and subsequent public antisemitism, especially at universities, it is important to ask:  What are the reasons for the hatred of Jews and Israel? This week Rabbi David Woznica shares his thoughts.

The Jews are the Conscience of the World

For many reading this, to be a moral conscience in the world is a source of pride. But to the greatest antisemite in history, Adolf Hitler (Yimach shemo*), it was evil. “Conscience” he said, “is a Jewish invention; it is a blemish, like circumcision.” “The Jews have inflicted two wounds on the world: Circumcision for the body and conscience for the soul. I come to free mankind from their shackles.”

A people who continually hold themselves, their society and the world to moral standards are likely destined to have great admirers as well as violent detractors. If you look at the nations and individuals who hold the Jews in high esteem, they reflect people who aspire to higher character. Conversely, those that hate the Jews reflect many of the most morally low and oppressive regimes. Consider how they treat their own people.

In the Middle East, Israel, with all its imperfections, is a moral standout. She is surrounded by some 22 Arab countries and 49 countries with Muslim majorities. That the mere existence of a Jewish State is deemed a threat, worthy of such hatred, speaks volumes about the antisemites who wish to see her annihilated. There is reason to hope however. Over the decades, several of the nations that once wouldn’t have even mentioned the name of the Jewish State have now normalized relations.
Rather than value and venerate the conscience, it is easier to destroy it.

— Rabbi David Woznica

Watch Rabbi Woznica’s recent sermon, Israel, Hamas, Palestinians and their Supporters: Seven Vital Realizations

*Yimach shemo translates to “May his name be erased” and is a phrase often conferred upon enemies of the Jewish people.