If you like “mitzvahs” (commandments), you will love this week’s Torah portion. Mishpatim contains the most mitzvot of any Torah reading. Each day Rabbi David Woznica will share his thoughts on one mitzvah.
You shall neither side with the multitude* to do wrong. (Exodus 23:2)
*also translated as “mighty” or “many”
There are times when the majority (or a large number of people) hold a perspective that is moral—and times when the perspective is wrong. It is human nature to want to be a part of the majority culture. Human beings want to be embraced by others. We want to be liked. It takes courage to break away from the majority.
And yet, the mitzvah’s imperative is to do just that. When the multitude is morally wrong we are not to side with them.
As Jews who have lived in societies where large numbers of people were bent on doing evil to us and to others, we know how vital it is to challenge the ideals of the majority during such times.
— Rabbi David Woznica