Tomorrow, our candle lighting will usher in Shabbat Shekalim, the first of four special Shabbatot leading up to Passover. This Shabbat is marked by an additional Torah reading about the half-shekel donation (Exodus 30:11–16)—a contribution required of every Israelite to support the communal offerings in the Mishkan (Tabernacle) and later the Beit HaMikdash (Temple). This reading teaches us about our shared responsibility in sustaining Jewish life and learning.

On this same Shabbat, we also read Parshat T’rumah, which details the voluntary donations made for the construction of the Mishkan. The connection between the two readings is striking: while Parshat T’rumah speaks of generous, heartfelt gifts, the half-shekel of Shabbat Shekalim was a mandated contribution. Together, these readings teach us that Jewish life is built on both inspired generosity and shared obligation.

And just for fun, this Shabbat also coincides with Rosh Chodesh Adar, marking the beginning of the joyful month that leads to our celebration of Purim. In ancient times, the collection of the half-shekel began on Rosh Chodesh Adar to fund the Temple’s communal offerings for the new year. Today, this time encourages us to reflect upon our collective responsibility—not just financially, but also in strengthening Jewish life, unity, and, now more than ever, our communal resilience.

We hope you will join us this coming Shabbat, either in person or online, and in the weeks ahead for our many wonderful Purim and Passover celebrations. As we prepare for these holidays, may we find renewed commitment to our community and to our shared values of generosity, unity, and joy.

–Cantor Emma Lutz