This week, Rabbi Woznica offers some thoughts about entering a new year.
What Will Guide Us in the Coming Year?

This week we conclude the first book of the Torah, Genesis. In a gripping moment, Israel (aka Jacob) learns that his son Joseph, whom he thought had died, is still alive. Israel declares, “My son Joseph is still alive. I must go and see him before I die.” He sets out to Egypt, where Joseph is a high-ranking official, and God says to him: “I am God, the God of your father. Fear not to go down to Egypt.” (Genesis 46:3)  In the very next verse God says, “I Myself will go down with you to Egypt …”

God undoubtedly understood that Jacob had a normal fear of the unknown or of leaving the Promised Land.

Living a life with unreasonable fears is not a healthy or happy way to live. This promise by God—to accompany Jacob on his journey—must have been deeply reassuring.

As we enter this new year, may we, too, feel that God is with us on our individual journeys. And, may we be guided not by fear, but rather by faith and reason.

—Rabbi David Woznica