Yom Ha’atzmaut—Israeli Independence Day
At 8 a.m. on May 14, 1948, the British Union Jack was lowered in Jerusalem. The British would no longer rule over Palestine. Eight hours later, David Ben-Gurion read the Proclamation of Independence over the radio. It began, “The Land of Israel was the birthplace of the Jewish people … Here they wrote and gave the Bible to the world.”
Later Ben-Gurion said, “The State of Israel will be open to the immigration of Jews from all the countries of their dispersion.” With these words, Ben-Gurion underscored the ideals and ethical aspirations of the state in noting that its values “will be based on the precepts of liberty, justice and peace taught by the Hebrew prophets.”
Today is Yom Ha’atzmaut, Israeli Independence Day, and we celebrate that moment in 1948. At the same time, we can celebrate with great pride what Israel, this tiny, extraordinary nation has become. May God bless Israel and may Israel continue to be a blessing to our world.
Rabbi David Woznica
[email protected]