The Very Beginning – And New Beginnings
The first words of the Torah are, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was unformed and void…” (Genesis 1:1-1:2). With those words, God proclaims “creatorship” of the world.
This week, our children at Stephen Wise Temple and Schools embark on a new beginning as they return to school. For all of us, soon summer will turn to autumn and, hopefully, daily life will return to normalcy. In addition, we are about four weeks from the High Holy Days and the beginning of a New Year. Those sacred days afford each of us a personal new beginning; an opportunity to “re-create” who we hope to be.
I suggest we begin to think about the year gone by and what we aspire to become and do in the year ahead. Rather than initially considering these ideas during services, let’s give thought to them in advance. How much more meaningful those days will be if we have given thought to the areas of life we want to improve and even set goals.
It may not be easy, as we often have barriers that postpone commencing a task. Perhaps, at times, it is best to simply move forward. In the words of William Wordsworth, “To begin, begin.”
—Rabbi David Woznica