This Friday night, on Homecoming Shabbat, we kick off our 60th anniversary celebration. Each day this week, a member of our clergy shares some personal Stephen Wise Temple Moments.
I have served the Wise community for 25 years, so for me to identify one Wise moment that stands out above so many borders on the impossible. Emphasizing any one would minimize the countless others. So, what follows are just a few of those experiences that have made an indelible mark on my life and the life of my family.
First, the personal
Our children’s educational experiences at Wise school and Milken — all celebrated by our tears of joy and pride at their graduation.
Our son’s bar mitzvah and daughter’s bat mitzvah celebrated with family and friends (most of whom are long-time Wise members — many who also joined us at their weddings).
The support from our Wise community upon the loss of my wife’s parents reminded us of the importance of our lifetime investment in the Wise community.
Gatherings over the years with those same Wise community friends at their own s’machot, funerals, and shiva gatherings upon the loss of older parents, holidays, trips, countless Shabbat dinners, and so many weddings — Wise is truly our community.
The professional
Officiation at hundreds of b’nai mitzvah, weddings, funerals, baby namings, and all those moments of sorrow and celebration that, in many cases, cemented relationships that continue for years, if not decades. Sharing sorrow and joy, offering counseling and consolation, learning so much from each of those powerful moments.
Constantly building my teaching and preaching skills as I’ve taught Torah, Jewish history, introduction to Judaism, and Jewish philosophy. The challenges from truly educated people who encourage me to build my own knowledge so I could continue to inspire them.
Building the Center for Tikkun Olam — a lifetime dream nurtured and realized by the Wise community in its commitment to realizing the core Jewish value to repair the world. The partnership with congregational leaders who bring wisdom, vision, and support to our work.
Working on a true academic campus filled with talented and wise colleagues that challenge and inspire me and, by virtue of their own commitment to excellence, urge me to be a better version of myself every day.
Being part of a synagogue that attracts world-renowned scholars and great thinkers who, in sharing their insights, compel us to reach ever higher.
A steady, beautiful, inspirational river of children who stream through our schools and camps with their bright, optimistic eyes gazing into the future. Looking into those eyes and fully embracing the opportunity to join in the preparation of the next generation.
Incubating Wise Readers to Leaders — the only synagogue-sponsored enrichment literacy camp for underserved children. Providing this truly exceptional and unique gift to the people of Los Angeles.
Of course, each of the items above carries within them memorable moments of deep human contact. It is truly the people who build this community and, at the same time, benefit from what it offers that make Wise an exceptional place to spend one’s life and fulfill one’s career. As much as I have served Wise, I have been served by the countless Wise moments that have been gifted to me.
— Rabbi Ron Stern