Today is Israel’s Memorial Day. Tomorrow Israel will celebrate Yom Ha’atzmaut, Israel’s Independence Day. What is not well known is that originally the two were observed on the same day. Fallen Israeli soldiers were recognized on Independence Day but emotionally, there were mixed signals. How does one mourn the loss of a loved one while celebrating the State of Israel?
In 1951, Israel instituted a separate Memorial Day. In addition to military personnel, the holiday has evolved to include those in the Mossad, police officers, and victims of terrorism. Most high schools in Israel have a memorial corner, with photos of graduates who died in battle or in military duty. Virtually every Israeli family has been touched with loss. And every Jew is indebted to them.
In Israel a siren is sounded throughout the country at 8 p.m.and at 11 a.m. the next day. Drivers stop their cars and stand alongside passengers. Those in offices cease their work and stand. The nation, for two minutes, is literally at a standstill. It is difficult to capture the feeling in words.
Tomorrow, those same families will celebrate the freedom for which they and their loved ones have sacrificed. We look forward to celebrating alongside them.
Rabbi David Woznica
[email protected]