I am always amazed by the different ways that Jewish tradition, and particularly living in Jewish time, offers me (us!) the insight that we need to enrich our daily lives – and that we may struggle to find elsewhere.

Kislev, the new month that began yesterday, is symbolized by the Hebrew letter ס, samech. The physical shape of the samech is a circle, representing completeness. Further, the word samech means “to support” or “lean on.” In the month of Kislev, this dual symbolism can inspire us to find the places and people on whom we can lean on as we navigate the ongoing circle of our lives. At the same time, we can reflect and consider who in our lives needs our support, and what we can offer.

The Hebrew root embedded in the name of the month Kislev, כ.ס.ל., can be translated as “hope” or “confidence.” When we find ourselves feeling caught in the commotion of our lives, we can have confidence in the reflections we find in the Hebrew calendar and these reflections can help center us as we consider those in our lives who we can lean on.

When you find yourself in need of some extra support and strength, who will you lean on? When others need someone to lean on, how will you offer them support?

– Rabbinic Intern Yael Farber