Daily Kavanot
Writings of reflection by the Stephen Wise Temple clergy.
Each weekday morning, members of our mailing list receive the “Daily Kavanah,” which includes messages of thought, inspiration, and contemplation from our clergy, along with a schedule of events. Every Thursday, the “Daily Kavanah” turns into “Eyes on Wise,” our weekly newsletter featuring the latest news, photos, videos, stories, and tikkun olam opportunities from our community. Sign up and don’t miss out!
Daily Kavanah – Friday, January 26, 2024
This Friday night, on Homecoming Shabbat, we kick off our 60th anniversary celebration. Each day this week, a member of our our clergy shares some personal Stephen Wise Temple Moments. Tonight we begin the celebration of the 60th birthday of the Stephen Wise Temple and Schools community. Rabbi Isaiah Zeldin of blessed memory began the realization of his grand vision of a synagogue community with education at the focus in 1964. Rabbi Zeldin and his spouse, Florence, together with our founding families and then literally thousands upon thousands of others, made this magnificent community possible. Graduates of our schools have gone on to bring the Jewish values at the heart of our educational system into the world as teachers, rabbis, cantors, physicians, attorneys, creators, and entrepreneurs. The world is a better place for this. One lesson Rabbi Zeldin taught me, both by example and in conversations I was privileged to have with [...]
Daily Kavanah – Thursday, January 25, 2024
It has been over 100 days since Oct 7 and the abduction of Israeli hostages in Gaza. Wise has created this beautiful prayer and song to express our solidarity with the hostages and their families and our fervent desire for a safe return. "The shade spread over us by these trees is so beautiful. We must crown this place with words of Torah." (Zohar 2:127a) Today marks the celebration of Tu b’Shvat, the 15th day of the Hebrew month of Shvat, which appears in the rabbinic literature as one of the four new years on the Jewish calendar, a special new year for trees. On this day in Israel, trees are always planted and the day is also marked by spreading ecological awareness and encouraging natural preservation. It is a day for us to look at God’s beautiful world, to express our gratitude, and to plant seeds of hope for future [...]
Daily Kavanah – Wednesday, January 24, 2024
This Friday night, on Homecoming Shabbat, we kick off our 60th anniversary celebration. Each day this week, a member of our our clergy shares some personal Stephen Wise Temple Moments. The Talmud recounts the tale of four sages, Rabban Gamliel, Rabbi Elazar ben Azariah, Rabbi Joshua, and Rabbi Akiba, who visit the Temple mount in Jerusalem to bear witness to its desolation. Upon their arrival, they began to weep, except for Akiba, who laughed. When the sages ask how Akiba could laugh at such destruction, he tells them: Since the destruction promised by the prophets came true, so, too, may the hopes promised by the prophets come true (BT Makkot 24B). Perhaps my most vivid and most cherished memory of Wise comes not from the mountaintop itself, but from the Elharizi Elementary School in Tel Aviv, where our Wise School Grade 6 students visited for several years. Each visit took place during [...]
Daily Kavanah – Tuesday, January 23, 2024
This Friday night, on Homecoming Shabbat, we kick off our 60th anniversary celebration. Each day this week, a member of our clergy shares some personal Stephen Wise Temple Moments. I have served the Wise community for 25 years, so for me to identify one Wise moment that stands out above so many borders on the impossible. Emphasizing any one would minimize the countless others. So, what follows are just a few of those experiences that have made an indelible mark on my life and the life of my family. First, the personal Our children’s educational experiences at Wise school and Milken — all celebrated by our tears of joy and pride at their graduation. Our son’s bar mitzvah and daughter’s bat mitzvah celebrated with family and friends (most of whom are long-time Wise members — many who also joined us at their weddings). The support from our Wise community upon the [...]
Daily Kavanah – Monday, January 22, 2024
This Friday night, on Homecoming Shabbat, we kick off our 60th anniversary celebration. Each day this week, a member of our clergy shares some personal Stephen Wise Temple Moments. As we celebrate 60 years since our temple's founding, I begin with a memory created by our founding rabbi. Driving the inclined road up to the temple with Rabbi Zeldin, I asked him, "When you created the temple, could you have imagined it could have become anything like this?" His reply, "David, I pinch myself every time I drive up." So should we. Through our Center for Jewish Life, there have been many Stephen Wise Temple Moments. One that is especially memorable is the evening with Elie Wiesel. Our sanctuary was overflowing, with extra chairs everywhere. As he entered from the main doors, some 1,500 congregants stood, eyes fixed on this extraordinary man, as they erupted in applause. He looked around, acknowledged the crowd [...]