

A Welcoming Family
by Rabbi Yoshi Zweiback
We put a lot of energy into welcoming and celebrating the New Year. We gather in synagogues around the world to hear the call of the shofar. We dip apples in honey in hopes for a sweet year of goodness, health, and peace. Our cantors prepare beautiful music. Our rabbis work hard to inspire us with their sermons.
In this New Year—and always—let’s remember to focus as well on welcoming one another. In how we gather, in the ways we are sweet to each other, in the music we make, in the messages we share, let’s celebrate the community and the friends we make. Let’s celebrate how we include each other. Let’s celebrate how we make room in our lives for those around us.

Adult Bat Mitzvah Students Share Stories of Meaningful Experience
Cantor Emma Lutz recently sat down with Corie Koss and Eileen Kravits to discuss their experiences becoming Bat Mitzvah as adults. This meaningful endeavor gives one the opportunity to seize a special moment in life: many choose to mark a special anniversary or to honor the memory of a loved one by becoming an adult b’nai mitzvah.
Connect with a group of learners by becoming part of Wise’s adult b’nai mitzvah program. After the initial informational meeting, studies will begin in spring 2020 and will culminate with a Shabbat service led by the cohort in late 2020.
Please contact Cantor Emma Lutz by email at [email protected] or by phone at 310.889.2270 to learn more.
Informational Meeting: Tuesday, November 5 at 7 p.m.

#ShowUpForShabbat at Wise on Friday, October 25
As the one-year anniversary of the Tree of Life shootings in Pittsburgh approaches, American Jewish Committee (AJC) is urging people of all faiths to join with Jews in synagogues around the country for Shabbat services on the weekend of October 25 to demonstrate solidarity. We invite everyone in our Wise community to join Rabbi Yoshi Zweiback, Rabbi David Woznica, Rabbi Ron Stern, and Cantor Tannoz Foruzanfar as we #ShowUpForShabbat to prove that Am Yisrael Chai, the People of Israel live.
Extended to November 3!
The Big Fill 2019:
Help Save the Syrian Children Provide Supplies to Kids in Need
Help us as we prepare to assist our partners from Save the Syrian Children by sending desperately needed medical supplies, gently used clothes, and toys to kids and families in crisis due to the violence in Syria. In the past, your generosity has helped fulfill our Wise mission to change the world for those in need. On November 3 we will pack up these items to prepare them for shipment.
How to Help:
1) Bring gently used clothes and toys to the Wise campus
2) Purchase items from our Amazon Wish List
*Please make sure items purchased will arrive before Nov. 3
3) Pack shipping boxes with us on November 3. RSVP HERE! |
Search for Meaning with Rabbi Yoshi and Professor Saba Soomekh
It has been 40 years since the Iranian Revolution that changed the landscape in both Iran and the United States–even more particularly in Los Angeles. Rabbi Yoshi and UCLA Professor Saba Soomekh sit down to discuss the cultural impact of the Persian community on Los Angeles (and vice-versa) in advance of their upcoming three-part course on the topic.

This Week’s Torah Portion: B’reisheet
Friday, October 25
6:15 p.m. | Shabbat Services | Plotkin Chapel
Led by Rabbi Yoshi Zweiback, Rabbi David Woznica, Rabbi Ron Stern, and Cantor Tannoz Foruzanfar
Rabbi Woznica’s Sermon Topic: The Commandments to Remember
Watch live on Friday night: Facebook | WiseLA.org
Saturday, October 26
9 a.m. | Lay-led Torah Study | Chapel Study
9:30 a.m. | Shabbat Morning Services (B’nai Mitzvah Celebration) | Plotkin Chapel
Led by Rabbi Yoshi Zweiback and Cantor Paul Dorman
Monday, October 28
9 a.m. | Bible Study with Rabbi Ron Stern | Conference Room
Wednesday, October 30
12 p.m. | Talmud Study with Rabbi Yoshi Zweiback | Udko Annex
Friday, November 1
6:15 p.m. | Shabbat Services | Plotkin Chapel
Led by Rabbi Yoshi Zweiback and Cantor Emma Lutz
Saturday, November 2
9 a.m. | Lay-led Torah Study | Chapel Study
9:30 a.m. | Shabbat Morning Services (B’nai Mitzvah Celebration) | Plotkin Chapel
Led by Rabbi Ron Stern and Cantor Nathan Lam
High Holy Days — We Want Your Feedback!
From the moment we began our Erev Rosh Hashanah celebration to the final shofar blast on Yom Kippur, we were privileged to share the Days of Awe with you. Now, we want your feedback. Let us know what was particularly helpful and special about your experiences and how we can continue to improve for the future. Our survey will take about 5-10 minutes to complete depending on how much you would like to share.
High Holy Days Sermons Now Online
Revisit inspiring words from this year’s High Holy Days sermons by the Wise clergy. Thoughtful reflections on diverse topics – our clergy offered messages of creativity, generosity, and inclusivity at this year’s services. To watch again, or to catch any you missed, visit our site.
To contact our Rabbis about any of the sermons you heard or watched online, visit our clergy page. All of our clergy members welcome your feedback, questions, and comments.
Getting Involved: How Will You Enrich Your Experience This Year?
In his Yom Kippur sermon, Rabbi Yoshi Zweiback addressed ways we can take positive actions in our lives to combat antisemitism by celebrating what’s wonderful about our collective Jewish experience (watch it online here). We invite you to contribute to Wise and to your own spiritual renewal through your participation and involvement—your time, interests, and experiences are all welcome gifts. We have prepared some opportunities for you to take part in the inspiring Wise mission to make meaning and change the world through acts of creativity, inclusivity, and generosity. Complete our form online to let us know how you would like to take action!
URJ Biennial
Chicago | December 11-15, 2019
Join your Wise clergy, staff, and lay leaders as together we connect with thousands of Reform Jews from across North America and around the world to learn, pray, share ideas, dance, and sing. The list of inspiring speakers includes author and President Obama’s speechwriter Sarah Hurwitz (an upcoming Center for Jewish Life guest), URJ President Rabbi Rick Jacobs, Rabbi David Saperstein, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Jodi Kantor, and many, many more!

Jewish World Watch Teen Ambassador Program Applications
Using Jewish World Watch staff, educators, and guest speakers, the Teen Ambassador Program (TAP) teaches teens about leadership, critical thinking, and activism in regards to present-day genocide and mass atrocities, transforming them into JWW Ambassadors with community organizing and advocacy skills they can use to take action for positive change. Teens can earn up to 15 community service hours (school dependent) by participating in this unique program that meets for six Sundays in November and December.
Magic Mountain Youth Event: Grades 3-6
Saturday, October 26 | 9:30 a.m.
Summer is over, but the fun never ends! Join your favorite Camp Wise staff for a full day of fun at Magic Mountain with your favorite counselors! You don’t want to miss out on the first Camp Wise Youth Event of the year! Limited spaces are available.
Pick-up and drop-off at Stephen Wise Temple.

Center for Jewish Life presents
Classical Intermediate Hebrew
Mondays: October 28–December 16 | 6:45–9 p.m. | Wise Campus
This course is for students who completed Beginning Hebrew 1 and 2 or have sufficient knowledge of Hebrew. Cost: $284 plus $25 book fee.

Tot Shabbat and Baby Playdate
Saturday, November 2
Baby Playdate | 9 a.m. | Parenting Center
Tot Shabbat | 10 a.m. | Wise Woods
Babies and their parents are invited to join us for a special Baby Playdate with Rabbi Sari. Come eat, meet and celebrate/commiserate the joys of parenthood! Families are welcome to stay and join us for Tot Shabbat afterwards starting at 10 a.m.
Gather together with our community for a festive Tot Shabbat service! Our Clergy and song leaders lead our music and story-filled service that introduces the youngest members of our community to the joy of Shabbat. Parents and grandparents will love it too!

Wise Women presents
The Joy of Challah 2.0
Sunday, November 3 | 10:30 a.m.
Back by popular demand! Women in our community—members and guests—are again invited to enjoy a morning of brunch, bubbly, and (different kinds of) braiding, before heading home with your own challah to bake. Bring your mom, sister, cousin, and BFF to our second annual Challah Bake!

WTY presents
Friendsgiving! Give thanks, get WTY!
Sunday, November 3 | 6 p.m.
Wise Temple Youth, grades 8-12, are invited to get in the spirit for appreciation and helping others as Thanksgiving approaches.

Center for Jewish Life presents
The Supreme Court: Crucial Cases of the Past, Present, and Future
with Dean Erwin Chemerinsky and Professor Laurie Levenson
Monday, November 4 | 7:30 p.m.
Two extraordinary legal minds share their thoughts on what they see as the most important issues of the Supreme Court. Through a Jewish lens they will consider previous cases, current cases, and what will likely be future cases that the highest court in the United States will adjudicate including abortion rights, affirmative action, the death penalty, LGBTQ+ rights, gun rights, separation of church and state, and voting rights.
Erwin Chemerinsky is the Dean of Berkeley Law at University of California at Berkeley and is the Jesse H. Choper Distinguished Professor of Law. He was founding Dean and Distinguished Professor of Law at University of California, Irvine School of Law with a joint appointment in Political Science.
Laurie L. Levenson is Professor of Law and David W. Burcham Chair in Ethical Advocacy at Loyola Law School of Los Angeles. She is Attorney Representative to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. She is a Board Member of UCLA Hillel Council.

Center for Jewish Life presents
Homeland: Four Ways of Understanding Israel’s West Side
with Rabbi Josh Knobel
Tuesdays, November 5, 12, 19, 26 | 7:30 p.m.
This eye-opening course offers to transform how its students look at modern Israel. Newly updated, the class will provide an introduction to the western region of modern Israel, which is alternately referred to as the West Bank, Samaria, and Palestine. Together, students will examine four different histories of Western Israel recorded by the Religious Settler Movement, the Palestinians, Israeli Conservatives, and Israeli Doves—exploring many ideologies at stake in modern Israeli and Palestinian politics.

Adult Bar/Bat Mitzvah Informational Meeting
Tuesday, November 5 | 7 p.m.
When a Jew reaches the age of 13, she or he becomes a bat or bar mitzvah, literally a “daughter” or “son” of the commandments. Some, however, did not have the opportunity or privilege at 13 to be formally called to the Torah. Becoming a bat or bar mitzvah as an adult gives one the opportunity to seize a special moment in life. Many choose to mark a special anniversary or to honor the memory of a loved one by becoming an adult b’nai mitzvah. Connect with a group of learners by becoming part of our adult b’nai mitzvah program. After the initial informational meeting, studies will begin in spring 2020 and will culminate with a Shabbat service led by the cohort in late 2020.
Please contact Cantor Emma Lutz by email at [email protected] or by phone at 310.889.2270 to learn more.
Museums with Mario — Annenberg Space for Photography
W|ALLS: Defend, Divide, and the Divine
Wednesday, November 13 | 11 a.m.
This exhibition examines the historical use and artistic treatment of walls over centuries. It is political, emotional, and aesthetic.

Admission fees may apply.
Parking: $4.50 for three hours with validation
Wise Women presents
Mahj & More
Wednesday, November 13 | 1 p.m.
Members and guests are invited to join other Wise Women every month for open play Mah Jongg, Canasta, Bridge, or any other game you’d like. Groups or single players and all levels (beginners to experts) welcome and encouraged! If you have a Mah Jongg set, please bring it along. Snacks and light refreshments will be served.
This is a free event for members and guests, RSVPs are kindly requested.

Soulful Shabbat
Friday, November 15
6:30 p.m. | Dinner
8 p.m. | Shabbat Service
Our unique musical service is one of Wise’s most popular traditions that creates a spiritual evening featuring the rhythms and melodies our members have come to love.
We will welcome special guest speaker Jonathan Ornstein, Executive Director of JCC Krakow. After services, join your community for a special Yo-neg dessert reception in celebration of Rabbi Yoshi Zweiback’s 50th birthday. Have a slice of cake with us!

Wise Women presents
Mahj & More
Tuesday, November 19 | 1 p.m.
Members and guests are invited to join other Wise Women every month for open play Mah Jongg, Canasta, Bridge, or any other game you’d like. Groups or single players and all levels (beginners to experts) welcome and encouraged! If you have a Mah Jongg set, please bring it along. Snacks and light refreshments will be served.
This is a free event for members and guests, RSVPs are kindly requested.

Wise Years
Thursday, November 21 | Plotkin Chapel
10 a.m. | Registration Begins
10:30 a.m. | Program Begins
Southern California-based journalist and writer, Nancie Clare, will discuss her book,The Battle for Beverly Hills: A City’s Independence and the Birth of Celebrity Politics, that tells a fascinating episode of local history. Rabbi Laura Geller, Rabbi Emerita of Temple Emanuel of Beverly Hills, co-founder of Chai Village LA, and co-author of Getting Good at Getting Older, will share her perspective on how might new Jewish rituals for a new age not only transform individuals but also our community and its views about growing older. Film: Monsieur Lazhar, Best Foreign Language Film Oscar nominee, tells the poignant story of a Montreal middle school class shaken by the death of their well-liked teacher.

The Los Angeles City College Foundation presents
An Evening with Carl Bernstein
Sunday, October 27 | 3 p.m. | Camino Theatre
The Nick Beck Endowed Investigative Journalism Lecture Series proudly presents its inaugural speaker Carl Bernstein, investigative journalist and author.

The Polyphony Foundation presents
Bridging the Divide: Polyphony Quartet in Concert and Conversation
Thursday, November 14 | 7 p.m. | Pico Union Project (1153 Valencia St., Downtown)
The Polyphony Foundation aims to bridge the divide between Arab and Jewish communities in Israel through music and to serve as a worldwide model for cooperation based on cultural exchange, dialogue, and partnership. The Polyphony Quartet is comprised of violinists Yamen Saadi and Edi Kotlyar, violist Yuval Yatzkin, and cellist Mahdi Saadi. Together, they represent years of individual study at the Polyphony Conservatory and shared music making in Polyphony’s programs. The program will include Schubert’s String Quartet No. 13 in A minor (Rosamunde Quartet), as well as a full string quartet by an Israeli composer inspired by traditional Arab folk music, and a number of Arab folk tunes arranged for string quartet. Following the music, Co-Founder and Director Nabeel Abboud Ashkar and the musicians will answer questions from the audience.
Tickets are free but registration is required.

We remember with love those who died in recent days and weeks:
Mansour Benyamini, Emanuel “Manny” Lyons, Michael Sher
We observe the yahrzeits of:
Dorine Bider*, Keith Brody*, Thelma Cohen*, Eloise Dessaner, Shimon Dor *, Jack Flexer*, John Fodor, Daniel Glickman, Meyer Goldberg*, Ruth Estelle Goldstein*, Abraham Goodwein*, Charles “Charlie” Greenberg*, Myron Gross*, Alvin Hirsch, Herbert Jacobs*, Ethel Jacobson*, Katherine Joffee, Rose Kadner*, Andy Kanter*, Charles Kates*, Leah King, Sidney Kossman*, Jonathan Robert Lederer, Rose Lieberman, Clarice Love, Martin Lowitz*, Elsa Maharam*, Bernice Minkus, Albert Murray*, Gershon Lazarus Oliensis*, Ronald Joseph Purer*, Paul Rogers*, Ann Rosenberg*, Bessie Rosenberg*, Steve Schulcz, Jeanne Seymour*, Flora Silton*, Ruth Steinore, Benjamin Arthur Tabbush, Dorothy Tannenbaum, William L. Walton*, Moses L. Weintraub*, Albert Weiss*, Leslie Sheldon Zola*
*Designated on our memorial walls
Sam and Goli Cohenrad on the birth of their child Asher Eli Cohenrad
Amy and Mitch Kerbel on the birth of their child Tripp Kerbel
Lisa and Kip Perlson on the birth of their child Tyler Lewis Perlson
Elliott and Felise Wachtel on the marriage of their daughter Jessica Wachtel to Adam Meczyk
If you have a birth, wedding, or milestone birthday you would like to share with the Wise community, please email us at [email protected].
To schedule a Shabbat blessing or special reception in honor of a simcha, contact Arlene Spiegelman at 310.889.2272.
We honor our loved ones, our family simchas, and our communal losses through charitable giving. To give in honor or in memory of a cherished family member or dear friend, please visit WiseLA.org/Giving.
Rabbi Stern, by Anthony and Regina Magit
Rabbi Stern for officiating the wedding of Daniel and Sara, by Phillip and Anita Wolman
Rabbi Stern, by Marc and Jodi Schwartz
Rabbi Stern for being a Mensch, by Shelly and Don Levy
Cantor Lam, wishing you a speedy recovery, by Freda Moscowitz
Jonathan Robert Lederer, by Cyndy and Les Lederer and Family
Eloise Dessaner, by Lynne Richter
Niki Schwartz, thank you for including us in your family’s holiday celebrations, by Mary Ann Schwartz
Ann and Jerry Saltsman, for welcoming us so warmly to your synagogue on Erev Yom Kippur, by Mary Ann Schwartz
Bernice Minkus, by Barbara and Arnold Baron
Clarice Love, by Robin and Ira Pianko
Our son, Joshua Andrew Levy Z”L, on his birthday, by Don and Shelly Levy
Ruth Steinore, by Norma Cooper
Alex Fixmer, Happy Special Birthday, by Sandra and Shirley Siegel
Susie and Bruce Goren on the marriage of their son Jake to Derek Klamerus, with love by Janine and Rick Kolodny
John Fodor, by Sussan and Michael Shore
Benjamin Arthur Tabbush, by Jack and Linda Tabbush
Katherine Joffee, by Nancy Levin and Family
Sidney Kossman, by Ted and Annie Haas
Rose Lieberman, by Myron and Arlene Lieberman
Dorothy Tannenbaum, by Linda and Herb Garfinkel
Alvin Hirsch, by Geri and Jim Sherman and Family
Shimon Dor, by The Dor Family
Lila Rumack, by Marty Rumack
Steve Schulcz, by Fred Schulcz, Leah Weil, Stephen and Elizabeth Schulcz
Stephen Wise Temple | 15500 Stephen S. Wise Drive | Los Angeles, CA 90077
Shabbat Shalom