by Rabbi Yoshi Zweiback
A chapter closed for me this week: my oldest daughter went away to college. Jacqueline and I are happy for her and we’re excited to hear about her studies, her new friends, and all of her adventures. But, of course, we are sad, too. She is far away from us and we won’t see her nearly as often as we’d like.
Wise Clergy Invites You to an All Community Erev Rosh Hashanah Service
Sunday, September 9 at 8 p.m.
The entire Wise clergy team is excited to welcome everyone to an All Community Erev Rosh Hashanah service on the Stephen Wise Temple campus to kick off the Days of Awe. Enjoy the music and prayers you have come to know and love while celebrating with the entire Wise community in one location.
Note: there will not be Erev Rosh Hashanah services at Skirball Cultural Center or Bel Air Church, so be sure to come to the Wise campus that evening.
Saturday, September 1
7 p.m. | Meditation and learning sessions with your Wise clergy
8 p.m. | Dessert
8:30 p.m. | Selichot Havdalah Service
Experience a deeply meaningful and meditative evening of prayer and music with your entire Wise clergy team and our full High Holy Days choir. Selichot is an opportunity to elevate your spiritual preparation for the Days of Awe: a chance to participate in uplifting worship and begin to reflect on your path towards self-improvement. |
This Week’s Torah Portion: Ki Tavo
6:15 p.m. Shabbat Services | Sanctuary
Led by Rabbi David Woznica and Whitney Norton
Shabbat Morning Services | Sanctuary
Led by Rabbi Ron Stern and Cantor Paul Dorman
9 a.m. Torah Study
10 a.m. Shabbat Morning Service
6:15 p.m. Shabbat Services | Sanctuary
Led by Rabbi Sari Laufer and Cantorial student Sara Anderson
Shabbat Morning Services | Parenting Center
Led by Rabbi Josh Knobel and Cantor Emma Lutz
9 a.m. Torah Study
10 a.m. Shabbat Morning Service
Learning Opportunities with Clergy
Talmud Study with Rabbi Yoshi Zweiback: Wednesday, September 5 at 12 p.m. | Udko Annex
Bible Study with Rabbi Ron Stern: Monday, September 17 at 9 a.m. | Temple Conference Room
High Holy Days with Wise |
Yom Kippur Afternoon Learning, Music and Contemplation
On Yom Kippur afternoon, enjoy the opportunity to learn from lay leaders and participate in open discussion on engaging topics or attend a music and contemplation session to reflect on the past year and the year ahead. Our learning topics will vary by venue (view the complete schedule of speakers and topics here). In our music and contemplation areas, you will receive source texts on mindfulness and healing and have the chance to pray silently or simply listen to soothing and spiritual music.
Ridesharing for the High Holy Days: Wise Offers Lyft Discount Codes
During the High Holy Days, we encourage members to rideshare for easy drop-off and pick-up at any of our three venues! With designated rideshare spots at all locations, it’s easy to use a service like Lyft. We are now offering discount codes (while supplies last) for those who register online. Sign up today and you will receive $5 off for both Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.
Family Experiences: Learn What’s New and What’s Changing
Families with children of all ages have a variety of amazing options when it
comes to High Holy Days with Wise! At our Family Services, parents and kids can pray, sing, and learn together. During our Days of Awesome, kids can learn through activities tailored just for them (no grown-ups allowed!) And, of course we offer Child Care for all services on the Wise campus and
at Bel Air Church.
Wise Bulletin Board |
Melton School Opens Enrollment for Kabbalah/Mysticism Class
Wise’s award-winning Melton School is proud to open registration for adult education classes to those who have never enrolled in a Melton course before. Our History of Kabbalah/Mysticism class is a look into the rich history of Jewish mysticism, along with understandings of many of the texts that have been so central to that tradition, speaking to the deepest mysteries of human existence and to many of life’s eternal universal questions. There are no prerequisites for this course.
LEARN MORE HERE or contact Rabbi Karen Strok ([email protected]).
Send a Wise Back-to-School Gift to Your College Student!
It’s that time of year – our college kids are hitting the road (or taking a quick trip down the 405) on their way back to school and we want them to know Wise is wishing them a sweet new year! If you would like us to send them a special back-to-school gift, please let us know.
PACKING DATE: Friday, September 28. If you’d like to help, contact us.
New Family Shabbat Parenting Class Begins September 15
Wise School’s Parenting Center is excited to announce a new Saturday Shabbat class that’s sure to be fun for parents and kids alike! Bring your children (1-3 years old) for a morning of play, challah baking, singing, and making great new friends. This class will be a wonderful way for parents and grandparents to experience the community of our amazing Parenting Center.
Upcoming Events |
Tashlich at the Beach
Sunday, September 16 from 3 p.m. – 4 p.m.
Tower 24 – Santa Monica Beach
Bring a blanket to the beach for an uplifting gathering of song and inspiration as we prepare for the coming of the new year. Hear the sound of the shofar resonating against the crashing waves as we cast our misdeeds into the sea. This beautifully symbolic ritual is a cherished tradition for all ages!
How to get there: meet us at Tower 24, south of the pier! We recommend parking in the Crescent Bay Park parking lot.
Jews United for Democracy and Justice and Community Advocates present
The Assault on Ethical Democracy: Ambassadors Norman Eisen and Dennis Ross
Co-sponsored by Stephen Wise Temple
Wednesday, September 26 at 7:30 p.m. | Valley Beth Shalom
Hear two former ambassadors, Norman Eisen and Dennis Ross, in dialogue with Rabbi Ed Feinstein of Valley Beth Shalom. This special evening is sixth in the Community Conversations series funded by Wise’s partners Jews United for Democracy and Justice and Community Advocates.
Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion presents
Symposium 2
November 11-12 | Stephen Wise Temple
Join esteemed clergy and scholars from all around the world, including members of our own clergy team, for HUC-JIR’s Symposium 2, an engaging exploration of ideas and attitudes. Nowadays, there is “my news” and “your news,” “your truth” and “my truth,” and consensus about facts is increasingly elusive. Even the university, once the place where young minds pursued “veritas,” is more likely today to teach its students the postmodern prioritization of subjectivity over objectivity, discourse over reality, perspective over universal truth. Against this backdrop, HUC-JIR Symposium 2 will explore the various ways in which contemporary Jews grapple with the concept of the truth.
Lifecycle • Yahrzeits |
We remember with love those who died in recent days and weeks:
Malihe Benyamini, Howard Besbris, Hooman Farahmand, June Klein, Frances Leigh, James Ring
We observe the yahrzeits of:
Mahin Akhtarzad, Beno Ameti*, Edith Barta, Sarah Esther Baumann*, Eugen Bergher, Lena Berlin*, Leona Berman*, Bessie Berman*, Nathan Boasberg*, Jack Bodner*, E. Ruth Brown*, Ruth Brown, Beatrice Goldberg Cochran*, Ann Glassman Cohen*, Bernard Cohen*, Maurice Cohen, Emanuel S. Colbert*, Irene Coyne, Hushang Yakov Dardashti, Banjamin Dorenfield, Henry Duskis*, Sonja Engel, David T. Factor*, Yehuda Farahnik, Isadore Feiles*, Rosetta Feinberg*, Richard D. M.D. Felmus*, Joann Fineberg*, Bernard Fineman*, Marvin Fischer*, Bennett J. Frankel*, Helen Franklin, Allan Freeman, Dr. David Harry Friedman*, Harold Friedman, Gerald Girard*, Ann Girard*, Diane E. Glatt, Mary Glick *, Murray Gold*, David S. Goldman*, Helen Goldstein, Edith P. Gordon*, Todd R. Green, Milton Handler, Sylvia Fox Hattis*, Robert Hoffman*, Joseph J. Jacobson*, Bernard Joffee, William Kamer*, Edith Amster Klein*, Herman Klein, Miriam Kogen*, Milton Kramer*, Ann Lagin, Rose J. Landworth*, Sydell Leebove*, Morris Levitt*, Reuben Joseph M.D. Lokitch*, Edith J. Markus*, Beverly Ann Miller*, Yoram Minoo, Sophie R. Morris*, Shirley Morris*, Jack Mutchnik*, Mollie Neuman*, Bernard M. Packtor*, Zosia Perutz, Miriam Popick*, Ann Barbara Pushkin*, Celia Rabin*, Harold Edwin Ravins*, Blanche Redman, Maurice Rogosin*, Harry Hyman Rohlin, Jacob Rose*, Michael Rosenaur, Michael Alan Rosenaur*, Becky Rosenbaum, Nancy Rosenbaum, Emanuel J. Rosenberg, Sonia Rosenblum*, Ruth D. Ross*, Olga Rudin*, Isabel Schechter, Rose Seligman*, George Shaw*, David Shore*, Shirley Simmons, Charles Simon*, Selim Sonar, Fanny Roth Taub*, Arthur Taub*, Melanie Beth Taylor*, Meyer “Mike” Waldman*, Harold Wenzel*, Lottie Yousem*, Sam Zeldin*
*Designated on our memorial walls
Lifecycle • Mazal Tov |
Shehechianu Moment
Do you have a milestone birthday or anniversary approaching? We’d like to celebrate your special day on the bima during Friday evening Shabbat Services! Invite your family, join your Wise community, make it a “shehechianu moment” – a time to give thanks for life, health, and the blessings that enable you to reach this great moment in your life. Let us know by emailing Arlene Spiegelman or calling 310.889.2272 and she’ll make sure to schedule a date that works for you. We’d love to share your celebration!
To our B’nai Mitzvah — may the Torah guide and inspire you every day of your adult life.
Mazal tov to:
Tania Spivak on her daughter Jacklyn becoming Bat Mitzvah.
Molly and Jesse Ghalili on their daughter Chloe becoming Bat Mitzvah.
Wishing you a future filled with joy and blessings.
Mazal tov to:
Shawn and Sanaz Tavakoli on the birth of their daughter Alexa Sloane Tavakoli.
Lifecycle • Tributes |
We honor our loved ones, our family simchas, our communal losses through charitable giving. To give in honor or in memory of a cherished family member or dear friend please visit WiseLA.org/Giving.
Rabbi Yoshi Zweiback, by Amy Bryman
Jay and Lois Foonberg’s 60th Wedding Anniversary, by Bob and Florence Nairin
David M. Joseph, M.D., by Michael and Marla Kantor
June Klein, by David and Irene Smith
David Shore, by Michael and Sussan Shore
Thank You |
We appreciate our wonderful volunteers:
Nosh Volunteer:
Susan Firestone
Gift Shop Volunteers:
Terrie Baumann
Rochelle Fox
Lori Rubin
Carol Sookman
Correction: We wish to acknowledge and thank volunteer Tammy Steinman for her help during our last Lunch Bunch event for LA Family Housing. We offer our apologies for the omission.
A Welcoming Community |
Have a great idea? Share it with us by submitting it to our online suggestion box.
Do you want to reach us?
Are you having a lifecycle event? Or would you like to be added to this email list?
Would you like to get involved? Check out upcoming Temple and School events.
Stephen Wise Temple | 15500 Stephen S. Wise Drive | Los Angeles, CA 90077
Shabbat Shalom