

Finding A Spiritual Consultant
by Rabbi David Woznica
We seem to engage consultants on more matters than any time in memory. There are financial consultants, managing consultants, college educational consultants, marketing consultants, public relation consultants, and home security consultants. The list is endless; and for good reason. An effective consultant can markedly improve your life.

Introducing Sha’ar HaShamayim (Gateway to Heaven), the New Wise Machzor
It’s here! The Wise clergy team could not be more excited to unveil the new High Holy Days machzor entitled Sha’ar HaShamayim (Gateway to Heaven). This new volume intended for meaningful worship is an exemplar of the Wise Way Forward values of creativity, generosity, and inclusivity. Incorporating themes, language, and traditions unique to the Wise community, Sha’ar HaShamayim is a celebration of Wise’s past, present, and future.
“Our machzor is designed to help us return to community, to God, to our best selves. May the sacred words of our tradition contained within this machzor inspire us to be better and to do more.”
Rabbi Yoshi Zweiback, excerpted from Sha’ar HaShamayim (Gateway to Heaven)
“Ours has always been a community committed to innovation and renewal while at the same time honoring and preserving our tradition. It is our deepest hope that this machzor will serve as a gateway to enrich our individual and communal prayers, revelations, and rituals for years to come.”
Cantor Nathan Lam and Cantor Emma Lutz, excerpted from Sha’ar HaShamayim (Gateway
to Heaven)
A copy of Sha’ar HaShamayim will be provided for each worshipper for use during High Holy Days services—but not to take home. For Wise members who have cherished their previous Wise machzorim, please keep them in your library as a wonderful part of the Wise community’s history but there will be no need to bring those copies to High Holy Days services.
Wise Leaders Generously Donate $1,050,000 to New Early Childhood Education Center
Demonstrating remarkable leadership and commitment to the future of the Wise community, five longtime Wise member families have combined to add a total of over $1 million in gifts to the transformational Early Childhood Education project. This exciting endeavor was launched by the $12 million matching gift from the Lowell Milken Family.

This Week’s Torah Portion: Shof’tim
Friday, September 6
6:15 p.m. | Shabbat Services | Plotkin Chapel
Led by Rabbi Yoshi Zweiback and Cantor Emma Lutz
with special guest Andrew Rehfeld, President of HUC-JIR
Watch live on Friday night: Facebook | WiseLA.org
Saturday, September 7
9 a.m. | Lay-led Torah Study | Chapel Study
10 a.m. | Shabbat Morning Services (B’nai Mitzvah Celebration) | Sanctuary
Led by Rabbi Josh Knobel and Cantor Nathan Lam
10 a.m. | Tot Shabbat | Wise Woods
Led by Rabbi Sari Laufer
Learn more in upcoming events!
Monday, September 9
9 a.m. | Bible Study with Rabbi Ron Stern | Conference Room
Wednesday, September 11
12 p.m. | Talmud Study with Rabbi Yoshi Zweiback | Udko Annex
Friday, September 13
6:15 p.m. | Shabbat Services | Plotkin Chapel
Led by Rabbi David Woznica and Cantor Emma Lutz
Saturday, September 14
9 a.m. | Lay-led Torah Study | Chapel Study
9:30 a.m. | Shabbat Morning Services (B’nai Mitzvah Celebration) | Plotkin Chapel
Led by Rabbi Josh Knobel and Cantor Emma Lutz |
High Holy Days with Wise: September 29–October 9
Tickets for renewed members and the general public are now available to select or purchase online.
Wise members: haven’t renewed yet? We cannot send your tickets until you do! Renew online or call us at 310.476.8561.
Visit our High Holy Days web site to find:
Yizkor Book of Remembrance: Final days to submit!
Deadline: September 13Our Book of Remembrance is a time-honored and meaningful way for members of the Wise community to remember departed loved ones during this year’s High Holy Days and throughout the year. The words of the traditional Yizkor prayer include a pledge to give tzedakah in their memory. For the Jewish People, charitable giving is a way to make memory tangible in the world. We encourage you to make a contribution of $36 per name. This important donation allows us to create a printed version of the book. You will be able to enter your contribution amount below. Please contact Rachel Goldberg during office hours at 310.889.2243 if you have any questions about your submission. |
HUC-JIR President to Share Teaching During Shabbat Services
This Friday evening, Wise will welcome a very special guest for Shabbat Services: Andrew Rehfeld, Ph.D., the 10th President of Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion. Dr. Rehfeld, a leading political scientist and distinguished Jewish communal leader, leads the four-campus international institution of Jewish higher education and seminary for Reform Judaism. He will share a teaching during services. |
Wise Melton School presents
Modern Ethics: A 21st Century Discussion
Tuesdays: October 29, 2019–March 31, 2020 | 7–8:30 p.m.This class is devoted to examining how Jewish teachings shed light on contemporary medical ethical issues like human cloning, surrogate motherhood, genetic identity, and other modern issues like social media, war, and artificial intelligence? As part of our award winning Melton School, students can expect a fascinating, in-depth class that will challenge perceptions and encourage deep learning.

Gifts for Wise College Students and Brunch for Wise Parents with Rabbi David Woznica
Packing Date: Thursday, September 12 | 10:30 a.m.If you have a child studying at college this year, we invite you to share their address with us so that we can send them packages during the year—starting with a Rosh Hashanah and back to school gift going out in September! Parents are also invited to join us to help pack the first gift shipment and enjoy brunch with Rabbi David Woznica, hosted by Sharleen Mokhtarzadeh at her home.  |
Become An Adult Bar/Bat Mitzvah
Informational Meeting:
Tuesday, November 5 | 7 p.m. When a Jew reaches the age of 13, she or he becomes a bat or bar mitzvah, literally a “daughter” or “son” of the commandments. Some, however, did not have the opportunity or privilege at 13 to be formally called to the Torah. Becoming a bat or bar mitzvah as an adult gives one the opportunity to seize a special moment in life. Many choose to mark a special anniversary or to honor the memory of a loved one by becoming an adult b’nai mitzvah. Connect with a group of learners by becoming part of our adult b’nai mitzvah program. After the initial informational meeting, studies will begin in spring 2020 and will culminate with a Shabbat service led by the cohort in late 2020.
Please contact Cantor Emma Lutz by email at [email protected] or by phone at 310.889.2270 to learn more. |
Cantors Assembly Trip to Italy with Rabbi Yoshi and Cantor Lam
Rome | Florence | Venice: June 22 – July 2, 2020
Following his incredible concert at the Great Synagogue of Rome, Cantor Nathan Lam and the Cantors Assembly are proud to announce a musical journey through Italy in the spring of 2020. Join Rabbi Yoshi, Cantor Lam, and the many voices of the Cantors Assembly for a magical excursion to Rome, Florence, and Venice.

*Please choose the Super Deluxe category when registering to join this group.
Tot Shabbat
Saturday, September 7 | 10 a.m. | Wise WoodsGather together with our community for a festive service! Our Clergy and song leaders lead our music- and story-filled service that introduces the youngest members of our community to the joy of Shabbat. Parents and grandparents will love it too! |
Wise Women presents
Bestselling Author, Therapist, and Speaker Lori Gottlieb in Conversation with Rabbi Sari Laufer
Sunday, September 15 | 10:30 a.m. | Plotkin ChapelJoin Wise Women for a thought-provoking morning with bestselling author, therapist, and speaker Lori Gottlieb, author of Maybe You Should Talk to Someone in conversation with Rabbi Sari Laufer. A light breakfast will be served.
Shabbat Services with Guest Speaker Voni Glick, IsraAID Co-CEO
Friday, September 20 | 6:15 p.m.Voni Glick is an Israeli/Canadian citizen with more than 10 years’ experience in disaster response, international development, and non-profit management. He is IsraAID’s Co-Chief Executive Officer at the organization’s headquarters in Tel Aviv and is responsible for all the day-to-day leadership and general management of the organization. At a special Shabbat service, Voni will speak about the work IsraAID is doing all around the world to support disaster response and relief and to help during the international refugee crisis. |
Saturday, September 21
7-7:30 p.m. | Learning Session with Rabbi Woznica
We will reflect on some of the most powerful words in the Machzor. “On Rosh Hashanah it is written. On Yom Kippur it is sealed: How many shall pass away, how many shall be born? Who shall live and who shall die…But repentance, prayer, and charity temper judgement’s severe decree.”7:30-8 p.m. | Learning Session with Rabbi Laufer and Rabbi Knobel
Probe the quintessential Jewish tale of teshuvah: the Book of Jonah. Learn what it means and what it takes to repent, to forgive, and to be forgiven from this groundbreaking and rebellious tale of a prophet gone astray.8 p.m. | Dessert Reception
8:30 p.m. | Selichot Havdalah Service
Experience a deeply meaningful and meditative evening of prayer and music with your entire Wise clergy team and our full High Holy Days choir. Featuring readings and commentary from the new Stephen Wise Temple machzor, Selichot is an opportunity to elevate your spiritual preparation for the Days of Awe: a chance to participate in uplifting worship and begin to reflect on your path towards self-improvement. |
Wise Jams
Tuesday, September 24 | 7:30 p.m.Jam with fellow musicians and singers in our community! Are you an ace on the bass? Get your kicks on the sticks? Bring your axe, your sax, your vox, and your chops. We’ll supply the mics, amps, sheet music, and a rockin’ good time! |
Center for Jewish Life presents
Classical Intermediate Hebrew
Mondays: October 28–December 16 | 6:45–9 p.m. This course is for students who completed Beginning Hebrew 1 and 2 or have sufficient knowledge of Hebrew. Cost: $284 plus $25 book fee. |
Wise to Host Z3 Conference on Next Generation Zionism
Save the Date: Sunday, January 26, 2020
Both the United States and Israel represent powerful and vibrant centers of Jewish life and are the primary contributors to the continuing development of the Jewish future. The Zionism 3.0 (Z3) movement reflects this reality by redefining Zionism for the next generation. Z3 conversations ask compelling and transformative questions like: What is the future of the relationship between the communities? How will both assert their independence and interdependence? How can we speak with each other in ways that encourage cooperation and recognitions of our differences and alignments? There are incredible challenges and opportunities offered by the creative dynamic of this ongoing relationship.
Wise’s Z3 conference will bring together an eclectic combination of presenters that reflect the uniqueness of Los Angeles. The conference will feature journalists and thought leaders who embody the essence of what it means to be a Zionist Jewish presence in American and Israeli media (online and print). They will have the opportunity to speak about the challenges of navigating that territory and how their Jewish identity influences their professions. A second track will engage Jewish actors, producers, and directors to discuss what it means to represent the Jewish communities of Israel and America and how that is reflected in their work. During the course of this day-long conference, participants will gain a deeper understanding of how we can speak to each other across our ideological divides to create stronger even more vibrant Jewish communities in our respective locales. |
Adult March of the Living Trip with Rabbi Yoshi Zweiback and Rabbi Ron Stern
April 20 – May 2, 2020
In April 2020, join Rabbi Yoshi Zweiback and Rabbi Ron Stern on the most iconic and unforgettable walk through the darkest time in Jewish history by participating in the Adult March of the Living. The group will visit some of the deeply significant locales in Poland including Krakow and Warsaw as well as the concentration camps in the vicinity and will encounter the amazing resurgence of Jewish life in Poland. Finally, the group will join thousands of high school students from across the globe in making an epic trek of freedom out of Auschwitz concentration camp. Afterwards, there will be an optional add-on visit to Israel highlighting those experiences rarely available on standard tours: cultural experiences, regional tours, and complex political conversations.

American Jewish Committee Los Angeles presents
Ira E. Yellin Community Leadership Award
Sunday, November 24 | 1 p.m. | Stephen Wise TempleWise members Julie and Steve Bram will be honored by AJC Los Angeles for their outstanding leadership. |
We remember with love those who died in recent days and weeks:
Rochelle “Shelly” Berman, Dione Fenning, Lila Kadner, Mary Myers, Dorothy Rosenstein, Herbert Schaffer, Robert SchnairWe observe the yahrzeits of:
Miriam Abramson, John Alpert, Rebecca Alterescu, Lena Berlin *, Bessie Berman*, Nathan Boasberg*, Rubin P. Braverman*, E. Ruth Brown*, Ann Glassman Cohen*, Lee Cowan*, David T. Factor*, Ruth Fern*, Bernard Fineman*, Shelley Robin Fox, Dr. David Harry Friedman*, Ann Girard*, Mary Glick *, Murray Gold*, David S. Goldman*, Howard Gurvitz, Fannie Guttelman, Bernard Joffee, Sydney Kahn, William Kamer*, Miriam Kogen*, Robert Lerner, Rebecca Davis Levy*, Jacob Lipshitz*, Beverly Ann Miller*, Mollie Neuman*, Bernard M. Packtor*, Bertha Perlstein*, Ann Barbara Pushkin*, Celia Rabin*, Jacob Rose*, Dr. Jeffrey I. Rosenberg, Ruth D. Ross*, Rose Seligman*, Harvey Solochek*, Rose Soloway, Melanie Beth Taylor*, Max Winston
*Designated on our memorial walls |
Mehrdad and Miryam Aghai on their child Logan Aghai becoming Bar Mitzvah.
Devon and Gavin Kliger on the birth of their child Wyatt Sullivan Kliger.
Farhad and Nazy Kohanim on their children Alexander and Tristan Kohanim becoming B’nai Mitzvah.
Melissa Miller (daughter of Pearl Wermut) and Adam Ackerman on their recent marriage.
Greg Martin and Alexis Bircoll Martin on their child Alexandra Martin becoming Bat Mitzvah.If you have a birth, wedding, or milestone birthday you would like to share with the Wise community, please email us at [email protected].
To schedule a Shabbat blessing or special reception in honor of a simcha, contact Arlene Spiegelman at 310.889.2272. |
We honor our loved ones, our family simchas, and our communal losses through charitable giving. To give in honor or in memory of a cherished family member or dear friend, please visit WiseLA.org/Giving.
Bernard Joffee, by Nancy Levin and Family
The wedding of my daughter, Melissa Miller, to Adam Ackerman, by Pearl Wermut
Rabbi Ron Stern, by The Herschlers
Rose Soloway, by Ellen Shumsky
Herbert Schaffer, by Steven Schaffer and Debra Barach Schaffer
Dr. Jeffrey I. Rosenberg, by Shea, Heather, Julie, Kaitlyn Rosenberg and Josh Ayal, Ben, Lyla and Phoebe
Miriam Abramson, by The Abramson Family
Max Winston, by The Lloyd Family
Lindsay Bendoni, by Judy Holliday
Shelly Levy’s speedy recovery, by The Members of Wednesday’s Talmud Class
John Alpert, by Karen and Allan Entous
Sydney Kahn, by Arthur and Ginny Kahn
Ruth Ross, by Albert and Heidi Praw
Robert Lerner, by Caryn Lemer Rosenblatt and Family
Dana and Scott Ehrlich’s wedding anniversary, by Tami and Robert Weiser
Mary Glick and Rose Seligman, by Gail and Mike Glick
Rebecca Alterescu, by Deena, Ed, Allison and Andrew Nahmias
Jacob Lipshitz, by The Dor Family
Howard Gurvitz, by Ron and Gloria and Family Gurvitz |
Stephen Wise Temple | 15500 Stephen S. Wise Drive | Los Angeles, CA 90077
Shabbat Shalom