From the first Erev Rosh Hashanah service and Rabbi Yoshi’s sermon, to the final shofar blast of Yom Kippur, this page is your headquarters for all of the High Holy Day highlights from Stephen Wise Temple as we celebrated the 2023 High Holy Days and ushered in the new year, 5784. Below, you will find sermons, divrei Torah, photographs, and musical selections from our High Holy Day services.
High Holy Day Musical Sermon: “Who is Like You, God?”
by Rabbi Yoshi Zweiback
High Holy Day Sermon: “Everyone Matters: The Stories We Don’t Tell”
by Rabbi Josh Knobel
High Holy Day Sermon: “Lessons From a Banyan Tree”
by Rabbi Sari Laufer
Kol Nidrei Sermon: “Our Responsibility, Like It or Not”
by Rabbi Yoshi Zweiback
Yom Kippur Day Sermon: Judaism: A Road to Happiness
by Rabbi David Woznica
Yom Kippur Day Sermon: “Choosing to be a Participant in Our Own Lives”
by Rabbi Ron Stern
Yizkor Sermon: On Remembering Those With Whom We Had Difficult Relationships
by Rabbi Ron Stern
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