Labor Day is a Jewish Holy Day
Rabbi Ron Stern

Of all the secular holidays in the year, Rabbi Ron says, Labor Day is the most Jewish. Why? Of course, Labor Day is a time for us to stop and recognize, be grateful for, and ensure the wellbeing of all those whose labor makes our modern lives possible. But there’s something more: It reflects core Jewish values. Our national origin story, the Exodus, could have been rooted in any number of themes, but instead, it begins with slavery—forced labor. “God’s redemption, v’shamru,” Rabbi Ron says, “ends in a day of rest that is given to all.” It is no surprise, then, that our Torah is filled with laws governing the proper treatment of laborers. Though a product of its time, the text carves out spaces for dignity, ensures the promise of freedom, and mandates fair wages, paid promptly.

September 2, 2022 | 6 Elul, 5782