It was right before Yom Ha’atzmaut, Israel Independence Day, about seven years ago when my family and I were living in Jerusalem. My youngest daughter, noticing the Israeli flags everywhere, turned to me and said, “Abba – Israel really loves Israel!”

Last week I had the blessing of being in Tel Aviv for the celebration of Israel’s 70th birthday. I was with our Wise School’s 6th grade delegation, spending time with our partners from the Elharizi School in North Tel Aviv. One of the chief goals of the program is to nurture in our participants a deep and abiding love for Israel and the Jewish People.

I feel so fortunate to live at a time of Jewish sovereignty and to be able to be a part of the extraordinary story that is the modern State of Israel. I am amazed by and grateful for Israel’s vibrancy, creativity, and strength.

It is true that there is still much work to be done to realize the promise and hope of Israel’s Declaration of Independence, to be a nation based on “freedom, justice, and peace” that ensures “complete equality of social and political rights to all its inhabitants irrespective of religion, race or sex…” We are partners in this work and it is our duty and privilege to contribute meaningfully to the upbuilding of our People’s Homeland.

May all Israel love Israel, recognizing Her extraordinary accomplishments, as we go from strength to strength together.