Mixed Up Beautifully
Mixed Up Beautifully Rabbi Yoshi Zweiback November 3, 2023 | 19 Cheshvan, 5784 Your browser does not support the audio element. Watch this week's video and all Shabbat sermons HERE.
Daily Kavanah – Friday, November 3, 2023
During our time living in Palo Alto we became close to the Maor family. Two of their four children, Gefen and Yuval, were in the same grades as our kids. Their older sons were [...]
A Message from Rabbi Yoshi in Israel
Soon after I started working at the Hebrew Union College in Jerusalem in the summer of 2009, I met Salim Yagmur, an Israeli/Arab/Palestinian/Muslim, who would soon become a dear colleague and friend. Salim is [...]
Search for Meaning – Who Is Like You, God?
In an inspirational sermon, Stephen Wise Temple Senior Rabbi Yoshi Zweiback celebrates creation, the Creator, and creativity. Learn more about how the existence of our universe is a miracle, and our [...]
Daily Kavanah – Friday, October 27, 2023
It’s hard to keep them all straight in my head. I imagine every Jew holds this somewhere in their consciousness. Some of the dates and events happened long before we were born, but we [...]
Daily Kavanah – Friday, October 20, 2023
This week, our daily kavanot will honor the memories of just some of the men, women, and children killed by Hamas in last week's horrific attacks. Zichronam livracha — May their memories be forever [...]
Daily Kavanah – Friday, October 13, 2023
This week, we are dedicating our Daily Kavanot to the people and the State of Israel. Our thoughts and our prayers are with them. My wife was supposed to be in Israel right now for the [...]
Rabbi Yoshi Speaks on LAist Radio in Wake of Hamas Attack on Israel
On the morning of Oct. 9, 2023, Stephen Wise Temple Senior Rabbi Yoshi Zweiback appeared on the radio with LAist on 89.3 FM. With host Larry Mantle, Rabbi Yoshi discussed the impact of [...]
Daily Kavanah – Monday, October 9, 2023: “Es Brent,” It Burns: Grab a Bucket and Douse the Flames
"Es Brent," It Burns: Grab a Bucket and Douse the FlamesBy Rabbi Yoshi Zweiback The following is the text of Rabbi Yoshi's speech on Sunday, Oct. 8, 2023, at the Los Angeles Jewish [...]
Stephen Wise Temple Clergy Respond: Hamas Attacks Israel
Dear friends,We awoke this morning to the devastating news of war in Israel. In a brazen, surprise attack, Hamas terrorists, apparently aided by Iran, have killed more than 100 Israelis. Hundreds more have been injured. News outlets are [...]