Search for Meaning2024-06-20T06:34:01-07:00

Join Rabbi Yoshi Zweiback as he talks with an eclectic variety of thinkers, artists, and change-makers about their experiences (Jewish or otherwise) and their own search for meaning and purpose in their lives.

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Search for Meaning with Amanda Berman

Amanda Berman is the founder and executive director of the Zioness Movement where she works to empower and activate Zionists on the progressive left to stand proudly in social justice spaces as both Jews and Zionists. She is a civil rights attorney who has worked to fight antisemitism legally. Learn about how Zioness is working to educate and empower. To learn more and to support their critically important work, visit

By |May 1st, 2024|Categories: Israel, Rabbi Yoshi Zweiback, Search for Meaning Blog|Tags: , |Comments Off on Search for Meaning with Amanda Berman

Search for Meaning with Naomi Zweiback

Join Rabbi Yoshi in conversation with his daughter, Naomi, who is a sophomore in a dual degree program at Barnard/Columbia and the Jewish Theological Seminary. She shares her perspective on the disturbing rise in antisemitism and anti-Israel rhetoric on the Barnard/Columbia campus.

By |April 24th, 2024|Categories: Israel, Post Oct 7 war, Rabbi Yoshi Zweiback, Search for Meaning Blog|Tags: , |Comments Off on Search for Meaning with Naomi Zweiback

Search for Meaning with Roee Azari and Amit Ben Shlomo

On October 7, Amit Ben Shlomo and Roee Arazi, members of the Givati Brigade, were called up for reserve duty in the Israel Defense Forces. A few months into this horrible war, Roee was badly wounded. Amit rescued him and helped to ensure that he was evacuated safely. Hear their amazing, inspiring story and learn how Beit HaLohem, the Israeli Wounded Veterans Organization, helped Roee deal with his physical, mental, and emotional rehabilitation. To learn more about Beit HaLohem and how you can help with their extraordinary work, visit

By |April 17th, 2024|Categories: Israel, Post Oct 7 war, Rabbi Yoshi Zweiback, Search for Meaning Blog|Tags: , |Comments Off on Search for Meaning with Roee Azari and Amit Ben Shlomo

Search for Meaning with Yasmeen Ohebsion

Yasmeen Ohebsion, a senior at Tulane University, joins Rabbi Yoshi in conversation about antisemitism on college campuses today. Yasmeen, a leader in the Tulane Jewish community, recently testified in front of Congress about her own experiences of antisemitism at Tulane. She shares her personal insight into how antisemitism continues to impact her life and the lives of other college students, both in the classroom and around campus.

By |April 10th, 2024|Categories: Rabbi Yoshi Zweiback, Search for Meaning Blog|Tags: , |Comments Off on Search for Meaning with Yasmeen Ohebsion
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