As Americans, Jews, and Zionists, we applaud the members of Congress who helped to approve overwhelmingly (412-9-1) a resolution on Tuesday condemning antisemitism and expressing support for Israel. And, we decry unequivocally the statements made by the nine members of congress who voted against the resolution including a comment, later retracted, by Rep. Pramila Jayapal labeling Israel a “racist state.”
We believe that to delegitimize the State of Israel by calling its right to exist into question, to demonize it by labeling it “racist” or likening it to the South African apartheid regime, and to apply double standards by singling out Israel while ignoring the egregious conduct of other nations is antisemitism plain and simple.
Currently, Israelis across the political spectrum are marching from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, filling main roads with Israeli flags and songs of protest, fighting for the Zionist dream and Israeli democracy. Criticizing the policies and actions of a particular government—including this one—is fair game. Calling Israel’s right to exist into question is antisemitic and must be called out and confronted whether it comes from the left or the right, from an elected official, a colleague, a family member, or a friend.
—The Clergy of Stephen Wise Temple