The Source of Love and Compassion
Rabbi Josh Knobel

Parashat Pinchas features the anointing of Joshua as Moses’s successor as Israelites prepare to enter the Land of Israel. Before Moses can proceed, though, he and the other Israelite leaders must reckon with those not counted in their census of the Jewish people: Those not afforded an inherited portion of the land, whose family name would otherwise fade from memory.

When petitioned by these unmarried daughters of Tzelophechad (Zelophehad), whose father died without leaving a male heir, to grant them the same apportionment as the other men of Israel, Moses is instructed by God to accede, and transfer their father’s holding to them. From this comes a transformational, revolutionary Jewish law, enabling women without brothers to inherit their father’s estate.

Before these daughters approach Moses, they do not count; they do not matter. After, they are no longer wholly dependent on men. They are recognized by law. They count.

July 22, 2022 | 23 Tammuz, 5782