Mourning Becomes Dancing
by Rabbi Yoshi Zweiback
This time of the Jewish year always makes me of a verse from Psalm 30 that’s about hope, grit, and resilience:
“You turned my mourning into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and girded me with joy!”
“הָפַ֣כְתָּ מִסְפְּדִי֮ לְמָח֪וֹל לִ֥י פִּתַּ֥חְתָּ שַׂקִּ֑י וַֽתְּאַזְּרֵ֥נִי שִׂמְחָֽה׃”
Katz Photo of the Week: Olive My Love
Hey, remember last week’s Dedication Opportunity of the Week for the Katz Family Pavilion and Shalom Garden? We told you all about the beautiful olive trees that will line the site. Well here they are in their full glory! Rabbi Eli Herscher and architect Roberto Sheinberg posed while on a successful trip to the nursery to tag precisely the trees they want for our extraordinary Shalom Garden.
Dedication Opportunity: Stop looking up into the trees for juuuuuuust a second and now look DOWN — picture our basketball court! It sure could use a name on it – could that name be yours? Visit our website or contact Jessica Lebovits, to learn more about how you can become the patron of the parquet.
Homes for Heroes Provides 18 Beds to Vets In Need Thanks to Your Support
We are proud to report, thanks to the support of so many of you, that we are continuing to provide newly-housed veterans with essential household items to ease their transition into permanent homes provided by the Veterans Administration. Stephen Wise Temple’s efforts to supply beds for our vets was so successful that we inspired Jerome’s Furniture Warehouse and Sit N’Sleep to donate 18 beds for newly-housed veterans. As a result of these generous donations, we were able to purchase additional items! These very worthy veterans now have bedding, microwave ovens, and refrigerators to make their new homes complete.
This Week’s Torah Portion: Ekev
5:30 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat Nosh | Plotkin Lobby
6:15 p.m. Shabbat Service | Geldin Chapel
Led by Rabbi Ron Stern and Sarah Gurian
Saturday Morning Services and Torah Study
9 a.m. Torah Study
10 a.m. Morning Service followed by potluck lunch
Led by Rabbi Ron Stern and Sarah Gurian
Please join us for our learning session at 9 a.m. in Plotkin Chapel. All are welcome!
Study opportunities:
- Bible Study with Rabbi Ron Stern will resume on Monday, August 14.
- Talmud Study with Rabbi Yoshi Zweiback will resume on Wednesday, August 23.

For two nights in Beverly Hills and on the Stephen Wise Temple campus, our clergy, musicians, and singers will celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Summer of Love.
Friday night’s event includes painting with the ART BUS from Party Junkies. Kids will get to celebrate the spirit of the 60’s by spreading color all over the largest canvas we could find — a school bus!
Celebrate the Summer of Love with Wise
Rabbi Yoshi and Mari are excited to share some of the details of our HUGE Summer of Love concert series, including activities for kids, special guest stars, and some of the BEST music of the 60’s. It all happens August 17-18 in Beverly Hills and on the Wise campus!
Summer of Love Concert on Cañon
Thursday, August 17 at 6 p.m.
241 N. Cañon Drive, Beverly Hills
Two sets of music at this beautiful hidden gem in Beverly Hills featuring up-front seating or grassy spots for blankets and picnicking. Limited free parking is available!
LA Family Housing Our friends at LA Family Housing are in urgent need of your help this summer! They do not have funds to provide more groceries and meals for nearly 100 families. YOU can help by donating gift cards (suggested list in link below) and sending them directly to LAFH in North Hollywood, or drop them off at the Wise Temple office and we’ll make sure they get them ASAP. LEARN MORE
Parenting Center Registration Now Open!
We are excited to announce that registration for Fall 2017 Parenting Center classes is now open! To secure your first choice, you must click on the link below, review the Fall schedule and sign up as soon as possible. Classes fill quickly and are on a first-come first-served basis. If, for some reason, your first-choice class is full by the time you go to register, please let us know as we will be keeping waitlists for all classes.
Call for Wise Ambassadors
Wanted: WISE men and women!
Do you love Stephen Wise Temple? Do you have an intense passion and enthusiasm for our community? We’d love your partnership in engaging and connecting with our congregants through our new Wise Temple Ambassador program. To find out more, please contact Lucy Harel at [email protected].
Yizkor Book Submission Form Now Online
You may now submit online for our 2017/5778 Yizkor Book of Remembrance. This book is a time-honored and meaningful way to remember your departed loved ones during this year’s High Holy Days and throughout the year. To submit names by phone or request a paper form, please call us at 310.476.8561.
Note: Submissions are due no later than September 8, otherwise we cannot guarantee that your submission will appear.
Wise Jams
Thursday, August 24 from 8-10 p.m.
Jam with Rabbi Yoshi, the Maestro, and the Stephen Wise Temple musicians and singers! Are you an ace on the bass? Get your kicks on the sticks? Bring your axe, your sax, your vox, and your chops. We’ll supply the mics, amps, sheet music, and a rockin’ good time!
Australia Adventure with Rabbi Ron Stern
March 9 – 20, 2018
INFO SESSION: Monday, August 21 at 7 p.m. RSVP to Arlene Spiegelman Wise Travel is offering an incredible opportunity to travel down under. Visit Australia with Rabbi Ron Stern in 2018! Not only will we have the chance to view a range of remarkable, breathtaking natural wonders but travelers will also be able to connect with our Jewish Aussie brethren at some of the major Reform congregations in Melbourne and Sydney. Sights and experiences of Australia are second to none and Jewish life there, far from the centers of world Jewry, provides a unique chance to learn how our people live across the globe. We have recently re-priced the trip to make it more affordable while keeping the five-star luxury accommodations and trip management that make travel pleasurable.
Click here to view the itinerary
Click here to contact Rabbi Stern to learn more
West Coast Jewish Theatre presents
Modern Orthodox: A Play by Daniel Goldfarb
Sunday, August 13 at 3 p.m.
Stephen Wise Temple
WCJT’s summer play series continues with Modern Orthodox, a new play by Daniel Goldfarb that explores what happens between two Jewish men divided by a common religion. Stephen Wise Temple members receive discounted tickets for this performance that is sure to prompt discussion and debate.
FOR TICKETS CALL 323.821.2449
Jewish Cuba Fundraiser
Sunday, September 10, 6pm – 9pm
San Fernando Valley Arts and Cultural Center
Celebrate the indomitable human spirit and witness the struggle, survival, and rebirth of the Jewish Community in Cuba. This fundraiser will support creating a photography book, an international traveling exhibition, and a video documentary. Enjoy appetizers, wine, music by Robert Kyle, and a photo exhibit featuring work by renowned photographers Martin Cohen, Andrew Dunbar, and Liza Asner. RSVP to Liza Asner.
We observe the yahrzeits of:
Sidney Allen Berkman*, Shirley Berkus*, Elias Berlinger*, Leona Berr*, Ida Bilenky*, Rosalind Birnbaum, Warren Lee Blank*, Feiga Boyarsky, Claire Chayt*, Samuel Cohen*, Faye Feiles*, Charlotte Friedman, Rod Friedman, Dorothy Gagerman*, Abraham Glass*, Paul W. Glick, Eli Good*, Stephen Michael Gurewitz*, Jerry J. Handler*, Grace Katz, Gertrude Kierman*, Sayde Shadur Kushman*, Jacob Kuznitsky*, Lenore Lederman*, Sybelle Lepp*, Bernice Shufer Lewis*, L.K. Lloyd, Abe Lustig*, Grace A. Markoff*, Lillian Miller, Sam Nelson*, Gerald Carl Ontman*, Zachary Steven Petrus, Clara Rashkov*, Adele Rhodes*, Henry Schwarz*, Sam Shpall, Ann Shultz*, Lila Bock Silberberg*, Nat Stoller*, Sarah Weinstein*, Harry Aaron Wienir*, Robert Winston, Rebecca Zilz*
*Designated on our memorial walls
We remember with love those who died in recent days and weeks:
Sheldon Cohen, Bruce Frome, Bernie Hanes, Norma Neiman, Tillie Newman, Ruth Swerdlick, Linnea Weiss, Saul Zucker
Shehechianu Moment
Do you have a milestone birthday or anniversary approaching? We’d like to celebrate your special day on the bima during Friday evening Shabbat Services! Invite your family, join your Wise community, make it a “shehechianu moment” – a time to give thanks for life, health, and the blessings that enable you to reach this great moment in your life. Let us know by emailing Arlene Spiegelman or calling 310.889.2272 and she’ll make sure to schedule a date that works for you. We’d love to share your celebration!
Wishing you a future filled with joy and blessings. Mazal tov to:
Lauren and Andrew Felder on the birth of their son Gabriel Robert Felder. Mazal Tov to proud grandparents Carin and Glenn Freeman.
We reach out as a community and offer our support and deepest sympathy to those among us who are mourning the loss of a loved one.
Gail Rosenblum, Wise School Nurse, on the loss of her mother Norma Neiman.
Michael and Stella Swerdlick on the loss of Michael’s mother Ruth Swerdlick.
We honor people through charitable giving.
Rabbi David Woznica in support of the work you do, by Ann and Sam Rubinfeld
Bernie Hanes, by Rose and Warren Reid
Rosalind Birnbaum, by Susan and Jonathan Dolgen
Zachary Steven Petrus, by Marcy and Earl Petrus
Claire Chayt, by Jerry, Scott, Emily, Charlotte and Finley Otelsberg, and Michelle and Eric Massi
Sheldon Cohen, by Wendy and Ken Ruby
Bernice Lewis, by Marcia, Mark J., Alex, and Amanda Smith
Charlotte Friedman, by Nancy Norris
the birth of Asher Jonathan Frankel, by Emily and Rick Corleto
the birth of Gabriel Robert Felder, by Janine and Rick Kolodny
Allison Nahmias, upon receiving her PhD in Clinical Psychology from the University of Pennsylvania and her new position of Post Doctoral Scholar at the Mind Institute at UC Davis, by Deena and Ed Nahmias
Morris S. Young, by Barbara Leff
L.K. Lloyd, by The Lloyd Family
Feiga Boyarsky, by Eugenia and Israel Salin
Robert Caine, by Sunny Caine
Rodney Friedman, by Vivienne Friedman and family
David Epstein, by Norm, Mark, Laura, Rebecca, Madeline, and Adrienne Epstein
To make a donation in someone’s honor or in memory of a loved one, please visit wisela.org/giving.
Temple Gift Shop
The high holidays are just around the corner. The Gift Shop will be offering all honey jars and new years cards at 50% off for the month of August. Have a bar or Bat Mitzvah coming up in the new year? The gift shop is fully stocked with lots of tallits from Israel. Receive a 25% discount on all tallits for your special event.
We appreciate our wonderful volunteers:
Lunch Bunch Volunteers:
Janice Berkman
Jackie Chase
Tanya Blankinship Chorn
Susan Firestone
Zita Fortman
Ilene & Harry Jacobs
Diane Kabat
David Kates
Candace Konowitch
Sally Levine
Sophia Levy
Mike Meyer
Freda Moscowitz
Sheila Rosenberg
Lainie Sadoff
Barbara Sampson
Shirley Sniderman
Tammy Steinmann
Lana Sternberg
Ethyle Strommer
Gail Woskow
Gift Shop Volunteers:
Terrie Baumann
Emil Cobar
Lori Rubin
Carol Sookman
Have a great idea? Share it with us by submitting it to our online suggestion box.
Are you having a lifecycle event? Or would you like to be added to this email list?
Would you like to get involved? Check out upcoming Temple and School events.
Shabbat Shalom
Stephen Wise Temple | 15500 Stephen S. Wise Drive | Los Angeles, CA 90077