This week marks the beginning of the month of Elul, thirty days of preparation for the Days of Awe. Rabbi Yoshi has been sharing texts about the five elements of teshuvah (repentance).

Often our transgressions result in loss for others: an unkind word causes shame to another; fraud results in economic loss; and assault (heaven forbid!) can cause bodily harm to another. (Of course, we know as well that sin hurts us by making us smaller, lesser than we can and should be.) Whenever possible, we must make restitution for our transgressions. If we have caused harm, we must reflect on how we might repair or mitigate the damage. Often an apology is required, a sincere expression of our regret for a specific action. Sometimes we must offer to make monetary restitution or amends in some other way. Perhaps we slandered someone or belittled them in public. A public apology in such a case might be warranted. Take some time to think about ways you can make amends to those you’ve wronged and then ensure good follow through by adding these tasks to your “to-do” list, putting them in your calendar so that you’ll take this necessary action on the road of teshuvah. Righting the wrongs we’ve committed is some of the most important work in which we can be engaged.

— Rabbi Yoshi Zweiback

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