On Friday, March 25, 2022, the Wise community witnessed Senior Cantor Emma Lutz‘s Installation in a stirring Shabbat service at Katz Family Pavilion and Nahmias Plaza, an event covered by the Jewish Journal and  the Los Angeles Daily News

Cantor Emma was joined in her celebration by colleagues, mentors, and friends from throughout the country.

Cantor Richard Cohn, the Director of Debbie Friedman School of Sacred Music at the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, contributed a special rendition of Hashkiveinu. Cantor Lucy B. Fishbein came all the way from Short Hills, N.J., where she is the cantor of Congregation B’nai Jeshurun, to celebrate her friend, singing Mi Chamochah with Cantor Cohn, and giving solo renditions of “Heal Us Now,” and V’al Kulam.

Also joining the festivities were Cantor Tannoz Foruzanfar; Cantor Sara Hass of Leo Baeck Temple; Cantor Lisa Peicott of Wilshire Boulevard Temple; and Cantor Lizzie Weiss of Temple Emanuel of Beverly Hills. Stephen Wise Temple cantorial interns Andrew Paskil and Josh Goldberg added to the musical depth of the service.

Having long taken pride in her work with our students, Cantor Emma directed the Stephen Wise Temple Junior Cantors in song throughout the evening. They are: Riana Fisher, Joshua Fisher, Madeline Behar, Ava Zeidler, Sharlene Saadat, Barbara Cotliar, Shai West, Natalia Bader, Max Wiseman, Iman Ghodsian, Chloe Cohen, Hayli Khalili, Jordan Ghodsian, Charylze Mahboubian, Rayna Sabbagh-Fard, Tali Kann, Gabi Kann, Halston Javaheri, Joanna Gott, Ilan Zakai, Rocky Lew, Roman Lew, Jordan Ohebshalom, Eliana Schaffer, and Sophia Schaffer.

After witnessing the lighting of Shabbat candles by her family, Cantor Emma received video messages from friends and colleagues. A layered musical service and prayers for our country and Ukraine then followed, with Cantor Cohen, Rabbi Adam Lutz, Rabbi Barry Lutz, and the Stephen Wise Temple rabbis all giving Cantor Emma their priestly blessing.

Full video of Senior Cantor Emma Lutz’s Installation event is embedded below.