Last month, at the 72nd Annual Jewish Book Awards, the Jewish Book Council presented Wise School parent Sivan Zakai with a first-place award in the category of Education and Jewish Identity for her 2022 book, “My Second-Favorite Country: How American Jewish Children Think About Israel.”

Wise SchoolZakai, a Ph.D. and a professor at HUC-Jewish Institute of Religion, is an expert in curriculum design and teaching controversial issues. Her book sheds light on the per­cep­tion of Israel in the minds of Jew­ish chil­dren in the United States and pro­vides a rich case study of how chil­dren more gen­er­al­ly devel­op ideas and beliefs about self, com­mu­ni­ty, nation, and world.

Other finalists for the award were Corinne E. Blackmer’s “Queer­ing Anti-Zion­ism Aca­d­e­m­ic Free­dom, LGBTQ Intel­lec­tu­als, and Israel/​Palestine Cam­pus Activism,” and Samantha Vinokor-Meinrath’s “#anti­semitism: Com­ing of Age Dur­ing the Resur­gence of Hate.”

In con­trast to popu­lar views of America’s youth as naïve or unin­ter­est­ed, Prof. Zakai’s book illu­mi­nates both the com­plex­i­ty of their think­ing and their desire to be includ­ed in con­ver­sa­tions about impor­tant civic and polit­i­cal mat­ters. Prof. Zakai draws from com­pelling empir­i­cal data to prove that chil­dren spend con­sid­er­able effort con­tem­plat­ing the very con­cepts that adults often assume they are not ready to dis­cuss. Indeed, the book argues that over the course of their ele­men­tary school edu­ca­tion, chil­dren devel­op and express deep inter­est in com­plex issues such as the intri­ca­cies of iden­ti­ty and belong­ing, con­flict­ing ways of fram­ing the past, and the demands of civic respon­si­bil­i­ty. Ulti­mate­ly, Prof. Zakai argues that in order to take children’s ideas seri­ous­ly and bet­ter pre­pare them for a world full of dis­agree­ment, a sub­stan­tive shift in edu­ca­tion­al prac­tices is necessary.

Much of this philosophy was on display last October, when Prof. Zakaithe granddaughter of Wise founder Rabbi Isaiah Zeldinspoke to Wise School parents as part of our Parent Wise speaker series. Her presentation, “Parenting When the World is On Fire: How to Talk with Your Kids About Hard Things and Current Events,” served as a step-by-step playbook for having difficult conversations with children in light of the recent swell in antisemitic incidents locally and nationally.

Mazel tov to Prof. Zakai, and yasher koach!