Aaron and the Sound of Silence
Rabbi Josh Knobel

April 14, 2023 | 23 Nissan, 5783

According to the Torah, the world was created with words. Our tradition holds them in high esteem. But, what happens when words fail? Rabbi Josh Knobel explores the power of silence through the story of Aaron’s two sons, consumed in Divine fire for disobeying God’s commands while performing their priestly duties. Upon learning of the death of his nephews, and with the best of intentions, Moses offers Aaron words of justification for God’s actions, rather than consoling his brother. In response, Aaron remains silent—the profound, shattering silence of a grieving father. Sometimes, the real sound of suffering is silence. Do we suffer that silence alone, or together?

Watch video of Rabbi Josh Knobel’s sermon and all Shabbat sermons HERE.