Becoming Jewish at Stephen Wise

At Stephen Wise, we embrace all those who seek our faith by choice, regardless of race, gender, orientation, or prior faith. By choosing Judaism, you link your destiny and identity to that of our people, and we look forward to embracing you with open arms and helping you make Wise your new home.

Find Clergy

The decision to embrace a new religion, a new identity, and a new people is one that requires intense commitment, but also great partners. Any member of our clergy team would be thrilled to partner with you in beginning your Jewish journey, so please contact us to start on your path!


Judaism is more than a faith. It is a people, a history, a commitment, an identity, and a way of life. In order to help you begin your Jewish life armed with a basic understanding of our history, our sacred texts, our values, and our traditions, Stephen Wise Temple offers regular Introduction to Judaism classes and opportunities to study with our clergy.

Celebrate with Us

Your decision to become Jewish is not just a milestone for you, but for our entire community as well. Celebrate together with your Stephen Wise Temple community by joining us for a public blessing during any of our regular weekly services (click here to schedule).

Embrace Your Community

In order to fully welcome you, we hope that you will avail yourself of the many opportunities to further enrich your Jewish life, from our Adult B’nai Mitzvah program, to our Adult learning opportunities, to our worship services, to our opportunities for changing the world.