By Cantor Emma Lutz


“And your sons and daughters will be prophets, and the old shall dream dreams, and the youth shall see visions.” –Joel 3:1

This past weekend, Stephen Wise Temple was buzzing with the energy of the next generation of Jewish leaders and dreamers. On Friday night, our Primary Choir led meaningful prayers and joyful songs from our bima during Shabbat services. On Saturday evening, the young parents from Wise School put together a spectacular gala in celebration and support of our young students and their educational future. On Sunday evening, our Wise Temple Youth (WTY) students created and led educational programs and engaged in meaningful conversation about how our tradition can speak to and guide their own experiences, choices, and challenges as Jewish-American teenagers.

The third chapter of the Book of Joel, second in our book of Prophets (Nevi’im), reminds us that each generation of Jewish children shall be a generation of prophets, individuals who are inspired by the Divine to change the world. Through the daily work we do together as a community at Stephen Wise Temple and Schools to educate our youth in Jewish tradition, we are raising the next generation of Jewish prophets: leaders, rabbis, cantors, parents, and teachers.

As Jews, we are constantly seeking ways to enrich our own lives through the great traditions and teachings of our God and our ancestors.  We value our rich heritage and we understand the importance of passing on this inheritance l’dor vador, from generation to generation. When we invest our time, energy, love, and support in our children, we are fulfilling God’s vision and building the next generation of Jewish visionaries.