Our Clergy’s “Jewish Best of 2022” List
Our Clergy's Jewish Best of 2022 List Rabbi Yoshi Zweiback, Rabbi Ron Stern, Rabbi Sari Laufer, and Rabbi Josh Knobel giving their [...]
Our Clergy's Jewish Best of 2022 List Rabbi Yoshi Zweiback, Rabbi Ron Stern, Rabbi Sari Laufer, and Rabbi Josh Knobel giving their [...]
In the "Eco Bible" I introduced yesterday, each discussion of the weekly parsha (Torah portion) culminates with action items. Rabbis Neril and Dee guide us [...]
I was recently reminded of a classic, ancient rabbinic parable. A passenger on a crowded small ship suddenly takes out a drill [...]
From my vantage point as a teen growing up in New Jersey in the 1970s, California was barely on my radar. Of [...]
Though Hanukkah is in our rearview mirror, its message of hope—that the few can triumph over the many— is an important principle [...]
Why Israel? Why synagogues? Why Jewish life celebrations such as baby namings, B'nai Mitzvah, weddings? In "Fiddler on the Roof," Tevye famously said: "Tradition!" To [...]
What makes you Jewish? My friend, Rabbi Adam Naftalin-Kelman (Hillel Director at the University of California, Berkeley) said that the Jews are [...]
What makes you Jewish? The painful reality of antisemitism is that it often pushes Jews inward. That is, when we feel threatened, [...]
Teaching Gratitude on a Full Stomach Rabbi Ron Stern Rabbi Ron Stern teaches about how we instill the value of gratitude [...]
As I recently walked with my friend, Rabbi Adam Naftalin-Kelman—the Hillel Director at the University of California, Berkeley—we processed the challenges of [...]