Jewish Education & Engagement: Grades 7-12

Wise Temple Youth (WTY)
Wise Temple Youth (WTY)
Introduce your teen to the gift of an enriching, engaging, and educational Jewish community with WTY! Led by teens for teens, WTY organizes educational, social, and community service opportunities to give teenagers a safe place to connect, deepen their commitment to their Jewish heritage, and make a difference in the world! Sessions range from facilitated conversations on topics such as stress management to programs themed around holidays such as Passover, to team building opportunities through sports and art, all while making friends, building confidence, and learning leadership skills.
Grades 7-12 | Sunday Evenings, Bimonthly, 6-8 p.m. | Stephen Wise Temple Campus
Teen Jewish Studies
Teen Jewish Studies
New this fall, we’re offering teens an opportunity to continue their rich Jewish studies by diving deeper into topics of import for middle, high school, and college students, including American Jewish history, the history of Zionism and Israel, and our Senior Confirmation Course. For students in Grades 10-12, we’re offering courses through American Jewish University for college credit, including: Introduction to the History, Culture, and People of Israel and an in-depth study of Controversial Jewish Texts.
Grades 7-12 | Tuesday Evenings, 6:00-7:00 p.m. | Stephen Wise Temple Campus
T’filah Studies
T’filah Studies
T’filah Tuesdays teach students to enunciate Hebrew letters and words and help them master prayers for Shabbat and the holidays, while enabling them to learn the meaning behind our prayers using Hebrew-Through-Movement lessons and classroom instruction. If your child works better with 1:1 guidance, you can enroll them in our 1:1 iLearn program, which pairs students with individual mentors online to solidify their grasp of prayer.
Grades 7 | Tuesday Afternoons, 4:30-5:45 p.m. or On Demand | Stephen Wise Campus or Online
Madrichim assist our faculty at Camp Wise Sundays, Wise Family learning Experiences, T’filah Tuesdays, and Shabbat Torah Study in bringing meaningful and exciting Jewish learning to our students! Participants receive meaningful leadership development, develop meaningful bonds with one another and with children, practice teaching skills, and collaborate with one another on projects. Madrichim in their first year receive community service hours, while returning Madrichim may elect to receive community service hours or hourly pay.
Grades 9-12 | Select Sundays | Stephen Wise Temple Campus
In the spring and in the summer, counselors-in-training at Camp Wise teens discover how to design and lead informal educational programs, build and organize teams, and manage junior leaders. This opportunity rewards participants with personal growth, professional development, and up to 150 community service hours.
Grades 10-12 | Spring & Summer Break | Stephen Wise Temple Campus
Junior Literacy Leaders
Junior Literacy Leaders
Teens assist college-age teachers while designing reading, studying, and camping activities for Wise Readers to Leaders, helping children from underserved areas throughout Los Angeles develop their academic and social skills. Wise Readers to Leaders gives teens a chance to make a real difference in the lives of children who need it most, while offering lessons in leadership and education.
Grades 10-12 | Spring & Summer Break | Stephen Wise Temple Campus

Jewish Education & Engagement: Grades 7-12

Our teen programs, headlined by our flagship teen community, Wise Temple Youth, offer teens meaningful ways to make lasting friendships, explore their heritage, learn deeply about Jewish life and history, develop leadership skills, and discover their gifts as they create, connect, and discover in a safe space, free from social or academic pressures.

Give your child the precious gift of Jewish education at Wise today! For all families, Temple membership is required. Enrollment requires a ShulCloud account made available to all members. Contact Rabbi Josh and our CYE team today to get your account or to answer any questions you may have!

Annual Tuition & Fees

  • Wise Temple Youth: $975
  • Teen Tuesdays Jewish Studies Courses:
    • American Jewish History, Grades 7-9, Fall Semester: $250*
    • Zionist and Israeli History, Grades 7-9, Spring Semester: $250*
    • JST 313 – Introduction to the History, Culture, & People of Israel, Grades 10-12, Fall Semester: $650**
    • JST 311 – Controversial Jewish Texts, Grades 10-11, Spring Semester: $650**
    • Senior Confirmation, Spring Semester, Grade 12 only: $150*
  • T’filah Tuesdays (Online): $795
  • T’filah Tuesdays (Onsite): $775
  • iLearn: $1400

Our annual tuition rates enable us to compensate our faculty and provide supplies for our programs. However, they do not cover the cost of program design, security,  maintenance, or administration, all of which is covered by annual Temple membership. Membership provides full access to our clergy for all of your lifecycle needs — from baby namings and b’nai mitzvah to weddings and funerals — as well as opportunities to deepen your relationships with our clergy and other Temple members through our large variety of prayer, learning, and communal activities for the entire family.

* Students who enroll in a Jewish studies course alongside Wise Temple Youth will receive a $100 discount per semester.

** Students may enroll at American Jewish University for college credit for eligible courses.

Financial Aid

At Wise, we understand the high cost of Los Angeles life, yet remain committed to ensuring that every child can receive the gift of a Jewish education. Wise Religious School offers needs-based scholarship for demonstrated need and uses a confidential process that ensures each family’s privacy. Aid is awarded without regard to race, nationality, or ethnic origin.

Applying for financial aid involves submitting the application below.

Local Teen Fellowships and Scholarships

Diller Teen Fellowship

The Diller Teen Fellows is a pluralistic, international, youth leadership fellowship currently active in 32 communities in North America, Israel, Australia, England, Argentina and South Africa. 20 teens from the greater LA area are selected yearly based on their leadership aptitude, as well as their commitment to Jewish learning, Israel, and communal service. Fellows participate in monthly Sunday workshops, 3 weekend retreats, 2 overnights, a 10-day peer hosting of a Diller Fellow, and a 3-week trip to Israel in the summer. The Fellowship is open to high school sophomores and juniors. Click here to learn more…

Muslims and Jews Inspiring Change

This leadership training program offers a select group of Muslim and Jewish high school students the opportunity to build communication skills and conflict literacy, create lasting relationships across faith boundaries and have impact the climate of community relations in Los Angeles and beyond. Program includes one full-weekend retreat, several Sunday retreats and several half-day Sunday sessions, and is open to students entering grades 10-12.

Click here to learn more…

Jewish World Watch (JWW) Teen Ambassador Program (TAP)

Teens of all faiths are invited to participate in TAP, a series of social justice workshops focusing on Leadership and Personal Development through out-of-the-box thinking games, film clips, group discussion, skill-building exercises, team-building activities and more. TAP is geared toward teens entering grades 10 – 12. Jewish World Watch will provide 15 community service hours per session for enrollees. Sessions begin in the summer.

Click here to learn more…

Brawerman Fellowship

Brawerman Fellows develop leadership skills and a lasting connection to Jewish life through retreats, a trip to Israel, and local and overseas community service opportunities throughout their college career, in addition to a $10,000 annual scholarship (a total of $40,000). Current Jewish seniors who will be attending an accredited four-year university in the fall of 2023 who demonstrate academic strength (minimum 3.5 GPA), financial need, and a deep commitment to leadership and community service are eligible. The student must be a U.S. citizen and reside in Los Angeles.  Applications are due no later than February 15, 2023.

Click here to learn more…